This site is primarily to help others learn how easy it is to share the Gospel. Jesus used the Ten Commandments in Luke 18:18 when the rich ruler asked what he must do to get into Heaven.
Also by using these innovative and acceptable tracts from "The Way of The Master", by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, you get the opportunity to get the Word of God into the hands of the lost.

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Inmate’s 8-year-old daughter last visit tells him that she is praying that God would send someone to speak to him.
On Monday July 7th, 3 of us went to Maricopa County Jail, Midge she's about 85 years old, Catherine and myself. We usually arrive around 8:30.  This Monday was truly a blessing for them & us, as we were able to see more inmates than usual. Usually we leave the jail around 2 to 2:30, but this Monday we didn't leave till 4 o'clock. 
 In our 2nd session one of the young men, in his early twenty’s, stated several times, "it doesn't make sense"! He had heard many times about Jesus dying on the cross to pay for our sins, again he states, “doesn’t make sense"! 
 That's when I walked over and sat down next to him and asked him what doesn't make sense?  He stated, "If someone who lives his life and breaks every single one of God's Laws and then right before he dies on his deathbed he accepts Jesus, are you telling me that that person is going to heaven... That doesn't make sense! " I’ve been told many times that Jesus loves me and all I have to do is accept Him and I’m saved, so I might as well get what I can and before I die ask em.
That's when I shared with him what I learned from Ryan Comfort who brought us the teaching of The Way of The Master.  I then asked him if he had ever lied, stolen or used the Lord's Name as a swear word, or ever looked with lust?  He stated he had, with a flippant attitude!
I then asked, based on his own admission, would he be innocent or guilty in front of a Holy God...He said guilty! I then asked Heaven or Hell, he stated probably Hell. I then asked did that concern him he said, NO! I then explained what Hell is like, as I have found that many even those who claim to be Christian don't really know. He now changed his tune bout being concerned about spending eternity there. 
So as you can see his understanding of a god who will just set you free because you accept him didn’t make sense and rightly so.
Now is when I was able to give him the courtroom analogy that Ray had shown us. If he was in front of the Maricopa Judge and was about to be sentenced with the Judge stating he would have to spend life in jail or come up with one million dollars, to be set free. I then asked so if he just told the Judge how sorry he was, please forgive me, and I’ll never do it again, could the Judge let him go? He stated no!
I then asked what if just as the Judge was about to slam the gavel down for his sentence of life in prison, when someone he didn’t know walked into the courtroom and shouted out that he had a certified check for $1 Million Dollars. The man states he sold every thing he had, Stocks, Bonds, Investment property, cars & his house because he loves this man & didn’t want to see him suffer. 
I then asked the inmate could the Judge let you go? He pondered a while and then with a smile, said YES! That’s when I told him that’s what Jesus did for us two thousand years ago. Now what is needed from us and in this case him, (the inmate) is NOT to just accept Jesus, but to REPENT, (have Godly sorrow) and TRUST in Him for the forgiveness of our sin, and if he does then I would assume that he would do as He requested, “to go and sin NO MORE”!
Now this is a true Blessing from the Lord, as not only did his body language change but also stated, “Now I understand, that makes sense!”
I asked him to seriously think about what he has heard and when he goes back to his cell that he may want to get on his knees, no on his face, and ask the Lord to forgive him of all his sins, even name them, then share that experience with others in the jail.
Please pray for this young man as I think the Lord was calling him, as when I was finished talking he make an amazing statement. 
His 8-year-old daughter spoke with him last week and told him that she was praying that God would send someone to speak to him.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

An inmate’s daughter’s prayer ANSWERED!!!

On Monday, 7/7/14, three of us went to Maricopa County Jail. Midge, an elderly woman who has been doing this for nine years, Catherine and myself. We usually arrive around 8:30.  This Monday was truly a blessing for them and us, as we were able to see more inmates than usual. Usually we leave the jail around 2 to 2:30, but this Monday we didn't leave till 4 o'clock. 

 In our 2nd session one of the young men, in his early twenty’s stated several times, "It doesn't make sense!" He had heard many times about Jesus dying on the cross to pay for our sins, again he states, “Doesn’t make sense!" 

 That's when I walked over and sat down next to him and asked him what doesn't make sense?  He stated, "If someone who lives his life and breaks every single one of God's Laws and then right before he dies on his deathbed he accepts Jesus, are you telling me that that person is going to heaven...that doesn't make sense!"  I’ve been told many times that Jesus loves me and all I have to do is accept Him and I’m saved, so I might as well get what I can and before I die ask Him.

That's when I shared with him what I’ve learned from Ray Comfort who brought us this teaching of The Way of The Master.  I then asked him if he had ever lied, stolen or used the Lord's Name as a swear word, or ever looked with lust?  He stated he had, with a flippant attitude!

I then asked, based on his own admission, would he be innocent or guilty in front of a Holy God...He said guilty!  I then asked, Heaven or Hell, he stated probably Hell. I then asked did that concern him he said, yes. So that the others who were listening would have a clear understanding of what Hell is like, I then explained it.  I have found that many, even those who claim to be Christian, don't really know what it’s like.

So as you can see his understanding of a god who will just set you free because you accept him didn’t make sense and rightly so.

Now is when I was able to give him the courtroom analogy that Ray had shown us. If he was in front of the Maricopa Judge and was about to be sentenced with the Judge stating he would have to spend life in jail or come up with one million dollars, to be set free. I then asked, so if he just told the Judge how sorry he was, please forgive me, and I’ll never do it again, could the Judge let him go? He stated, ”NO!”

I then asked what if just as the Judge was about to slam the gavel down for his sentence of life in prison, when someone he didn’t know walked into the courtroom and shouted out that he had a certified check for $1 Million Dollars. The man states he sold every thing he had, Stocks, Bonds, Investment property, cars & his house because he loves this man & didn’t want to see him suffer. 

I then asked the inmate could the Judge let you go? He pondered a while and then with a smile, said, “YES!” That’s when I told him that’s what Jesus did for us two thousand years ago.

Now what is needed from us and in this case him, (the inmate) is NOT to just accept Jesus, but to REPENT, (have Godly sorrow (2Cor. 7:10)) and TRUST in Him for the forgiveness of our sin, and if he does, then I would assume that he would do as He requested, “to go and sin NO MORE!”

Now this is a true Blessing from the Lord, as not only did his body language change but also stated, “Now I understand, that makes sense!” He then made an amazing statement!  “His 8-year-old daughter spoke with him last week and told him that she was praying that God would send someone to speak to him.”

I asked him to seriously think about what he has heard and when he goes back to his cell that he may want to get on his knees, no on his face, and ask the Lord to forgive him of all his sins, even name them, then share that experience with others in the jail.

Please pray for this young man as I think the Lord was calling him, as I finished speaking, I remembered what he said his daughter said to him, that she was praying that God would send someone to speak to him. I then said so can you see how your daughter’s prayer is being answered today!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


This is about a homeless man with a heart for the Lord.

This Saturday night in Tempe I decided to try to reach the lost from a different spot as the police gave me a difficult time last Saturday about being in front of the Post Office.  They told me I was not allowed to post my sign or even stand there, as it was tantamount to loitering.

While they were reading me the riot act I noticed a man alongside of me who you might guess was homeless. After they left and as I was packing up he stated that he loved what I was saying as he had heard me many times and wished he had said something to the officers about why they needed to hear what I was saying. Just before I left he said wait a minute and started to write on what looked like a piece of paper that he took out of his backpack. He handed it to me; it was a Christmas card on which he wrote, “You’re a blessed & highly favored Son of God, Thanks! (Psalms 68:17, Malachi 3:1)

I don’t know if you can imagine how I felt after this man did what he did. What a true blessing from the Lord! After being falsely accused the Lord sends me a messenger.

So this Saturday I set up by the movie theater across the street with my fellow sowers, Keith & Steve and started asking the question “Does any one want a FREE glow-stik, just prove to me you’re a good person!”

As I looked up there sitting on the curb was the same man who gave me the Christmas card. I waved to him & he gave me a big smile. A young lady and her male friend wanted to take the test, as she wanted her bulldog to have it. He was panting a lot, as it was a hot night. After taking the test and failing my brother in Christ Keith asked me did I notice what the man who was sitting on his backpack by the curb did?  I said no as I was concentrating on the two in front of me. He told me that he saw him get up and leave and when he came back he had a styrofoam cup in his hand. He then opened this backpack & took out a bottle of water and filled up the cup and them laid it alongside of the dog.

Later that night when we were leaving he came over to us and thanked me for speaking to all those who stopped to take the test and then asked if we had  $0.55 so he could get a refill for his coffee. I was able to give him a dollar and when Keith & Steve tried to give him what they had he wouldn’t take it as he restated that he only needed $0.55 for his coffee.  

I don’t know about you but I haven’t seen that kind of generosity or humility from anyone in his situation. He differently reminded me of the good Samaritan.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What happened to me at the Out Patient at Cigna

I wouldn't be sending this out except after what happened this morning at the hospital when I had my invasive procedure, which I rather not mention. 

The doctor who performed my cancer surgery five years ago walks up to my bed and said, “how’s life treating you?” I said I was blessed, how about you? He replied things were good. Then he asked an amazing question! So Tom do you still have those Million Dollar Bills? I'm in the hospital bed, totally naked just a smock around me and of course I had  about 20 Million Dollar Bills tucked under me. To say the least, I was shocked! 

Here it is five years later this man that did my surgery still remembered it. I asked if he had read the back he stated he did and it was convicting, as he still has it in his office. He's a surgeon! I say maybe he works 40 weeks of the year, takes some nice vacation time, and if he works five days a week in five years that's 1000 days that he's been with patients and for him to remember some old guy like me, well that’s a God sent. 

 So people please, please listen to this, as I pray that you see this as an opportunity for those of us who claim Christ as the Lord of our life and change your mind about handing out the Word of God… these Million Dollar Bills. They make an impact to those whom we meet no matter where… even a hospital. As the staff gathered around me before they put me to sleep, I was able to give each one a Million-Dollar Bill as a thank you for being so kind. 

 When I woke up a nurse, Mellissa was helping me get ready to leave. That’s when I offered her one and told her that the back was going to ask if she was good enough to get into Heaven? She said yes., I asked if I could ask her a few questions to see if that where true using some of God’s Ten Commandments. She said sure. When she admitted to breaking four of them, she still said that God would find her innocent, because God is a loving God. That’s when they need to hear the courtroom story, after that she changed her mind. 

 Because I was still groggy, she helped me to the restroom and walked me in and as saw the mirror over the sink I turned to her and told her to look in the mirror. I told her that keeping the Ten Commandments wasn’t going to save her, as know one has, but that mirror should show her how filthy dirty she and all of us are, and that God sees us nothing more than filthy rags. (Isa. 64:6). 

The only way we can become born again, righteous, saved, is to REPENT of all our sins and place our TRUST in Jesus Christ ALONE! For it was His death on the cross in Cavalry that paid the fine for all the crimes that we have committed. That’s when she turned and looked directly at me and stated, “Thank you, of all the years I’ve been in Church, I’ve never heard it explained like that, thank you!” 

So here’s my point! If it weren’t for that Million Dollar Bill how would you be able to open a serious conversation about their eternal live to a perfect stranger? (Oh I know just tell them Jesus Loves them) Please read (1Cor.1:18), to find out why you shouldn’t.