This site is primarily to help others learn how easy it is to share the Gospel. Jesus used the Ten Commandments in Luke 18:18 when the rich ruler asked what he must do to get into Heaven.
Also by using these innovative and acceptable tracts from "The Way of The Master", by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, you get the opportunity to get the Word of God into the hands of the lost.

Watch Our Journey Sharing Jesus Christ on the Streets in many parts of the World

Monday, July 30, 2012


This Saturday was a another blessing from the Lord! Linda, who has been to the seminar asked me during the week if I was going out on Saturday night to Tempe. I also got a request from Rachel, and she comes all the way from Gilbert to meet us in Tempe, even though it was raining!  It's heart warming to see how this Biblical principle, using the, "Ten Commandments", to share is catching on to more and more of the Saints. Alan, Catherine, Dan, Marcus, as well as Matt and Mark were there as well.

They are now seeing the benefits of ASKING questions, about how they have broken the specific Commandments are more likely to listen to them and more importantly understand why they need a Savior, instead of TELLING those they speak to that they just need JESUS.

It's clear, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. (1Co 1:18 KJV)

It's truly amazing that even on this rainy night we can draw a crowd just because we offer money for answering trivia questions. Now that we have there attention it's easy to ask them to take the, " Good Person Test. "

One example was a young man named, Carter.  He was one of several who stopped to take the Good Person Test, but in his case there was conviction. He understood that what he was doing was offensive to a Holy God and he himself admitted that he would be punished and sent to Hell because of what he was doing. This is the time when the Lord has prepared his heart to totally understand that there would be nothing he could do to prevent God rightly sending him to Hell. The look on his face when he understood that was refreshing, as now he was ready to hear and understand what our Lord Jesus Christ did for me and now him on that Cross. He now understood that just turning away from his sin wouldn't be enough. Jesus stated Himself unless you REPENT you will perish. (Luke 13:3-5)

For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret,leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death. (2Co 7:10 NASB)

I also gave him Eph. 2:8,9, that it was only by the Grace of God that he was in front of me hearing this message. If he would repent and place his trust in Jesus Christ ALONE for the forgiveness of his sins, God would wipe the slate clean, he'd be free, and be an adopted child into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, (Eph 1:5 KJV)

So please pray for Carter as he was a happy camper when he first came by me to collect his money for having the correct answer to the trivia questions, but as he was leaving his head was bowed down as he now was pondering his destiny for his future, as the Lord had shown him his sinful nature and prayerfully tonight he would become , "BORN AGAIN!" 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Saturday wasn't looking like a day to got out and stand on a corner waring others about the danger of going to Hell, and then give them the Good News about what is needed to get into Heaven.. So as the dark clouds flowed over Phoenix, the gloom and darkness that proceeds a heavy rain storm was evident.

So just in case it was not raining at our favorite spot on Mill & 5th Ave, Tempe,  Keith picked me up around 7:45 and we headed south. The Lord must have been pleased as His faithful laborers were there. Al & Dan were at the parking lot already providing information to the lost. When we got to our corner Alan, Rachel & then Steve, then Marcus. Then later on Kat showed up with their newborn Caleb, talk about having a blessed evening this couldn't get any better, but wait there's more!

What a blessing to see these ordinary followers of Christ leave the comfort of their homes on a night that threatened to be filled with a heavy down pour.

Now comes the exciting part! When I took a break from doing open air preaching, offering  glow-sticks  to anyone who was willing to take the good person test, I asked the new sowers if they would like to get up on the box and with the microphone and do the same. At first they were hesitant which is normal as doing it is probably one of the most fearful things for a person to do.

Well all of a sudden Steve came toward me and I handed him the mike, and up he went. He had done this before but he still was fearful, but by allowing the Holy Spirit and Phil. 4:13 he started to ask the question. He drew some takers and with a big smile stepped down. This seemed to encourage the others as now Rachel stated she was ready and this being her first time, it was awesome! Immediately some came to her and wanted to take the good person test. She asked with confidence the 4 questions from the Ten Commandments, you know, have you ever lied, stolen, taken God's name in vain, or looked at another person with lust. It was exhilarating to watch her engage with these perfect strangers! Not done yet, as  Keith who has only been with us a couple times now came forward and stated how hearing Rachel do it he was willing to get up on the box as well.

So I thank the Lord for giving us the desire to come on a night that we would have had a perfect reason not too. The rain storm we got was the blessing of watching 3 new sowers overcome the fear that we all express, and being able to reach to the hundreds who passed by.


If the public doesn't recognize what SIN is, how can they REPENT  from it?

For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death. (2Co 7:10 NASB)

Charles Spurgeon stated,"I do not believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach Law.  The Law is the needle, and you cannot draw the silken tread of the gospel through a man's heart until you first send the Law to make way for it.