This site is primarily to help others learn how easy it is to share the Gospel. Jesus used the Ten Commandments in Luke 18:18 when the rich ruler asked what he must do to get into Heaven.
Also by using these innovative and acceptable tracts from "The Way of The Master", by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, you get the opportunity to get the Word of God into the hands of the lost.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday Night on Mill Ave in Tempe 11/27/11

WOW! Tonight we had in one place more of those who are concerned about saving the lost then we have had for a while. It must have been a blessing to the Lord as we all gathered in a circle and prayed that our message would go forth to the lost of this town and beyond. 
Those who showed up were, Edwin, Anna and their baby in a stroller, Rob Roy and Tammie, Phil and Jessica, Tim, Katlyn, Sean and Mia, Cole, Leigh, Alan, Al, Marcus and Alex.  After praying we split up to cover several corners so that we could be more effective reaching out to the crowds.

Offering the free glo-sticks still seems to be effective, as I was able to do several open-airs to those who stopped by to receive one.

Above is the banner I hang up at the Post Office to draw their attention

One that comes to mind was 3 young sisters. I asked how old the one was and she said 16.  All 3 professed to being, a "Good Person". I noticed that they were with a mature couple but the couple continued walking to the corner as the children came back to were I was. As I asked the questions that Jesus used to the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18, a few of God's Ten Commandants. We need to be careful not to share with the lost a man centered message that makes people feel good about themselves. instead we need to use the Words that Jesus Himself used to help others understand what being GOOD is. 

After asking a few of the questions, I turned my attention to that corner and shouted out, "are you their father?"  He nodded yes, and that's when I stated that he should be here with his daughters, as it wasn't right for them to be talking to a perfect stranger without him watching over them. He just stood there turning his head from side to side.
Well now the 3 of them admitted to lying, stealing, and taking God' name in vain. I asked how would God find them, innocent or guilty, because of that behavior, and they stated; guilty. Then came the tough question; "Where would God have to send them if that were true?"  Now their chins fell into their chests and without a word they pointed towards the ground. I can't tell you many times that has happened, as those who have heard about Hell have a very difficult time saying it.
At that point I noticed Dad right next to them, as I know he could hear me from where he was standing, as the sound from the microphone I use is loud.  This is when he tried to protect them, as he grabbed the arm of one, and said let's go.

That's when I stated that this is what he and his daughters need to hear and they should not leave. (Can  you believe it they stayed)  I now asked the important queston; "Does that concern them that they may be headed for Hell? "
I was grateful that they said, "YES" as now I knew that they understood. That's when I shared with them what Jesus did for them, as well as for the rest of us who can't pass the Good Person test.

Once we understand and admit that we rightly deserve Hell and that Jesus' death on the cross is the only payment acceptable to God for our sins. He took the punishment for our sins by shedding His blood, dying a horrible death on that cross, then three days later He rose defeating death. Now if we REPENT, turn from our sins, having a Godly sorrow, remorse, regret, then place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone. (Luke 3:3)  Our dirty slate will have been wiped clean, remembered no more. It's not what we do but what He has already done for us. (Eph 2:8-9) IT'S FINISHED!

So I give thanks to the Lord on High who allowed that message to be heard by that family who was just passing by and stopped to get a glo-stick, as well as to all those who may have heard it on the corner of 5th & Mill Ave n Tempe AZ.