This site is primarily to help others learn how easy it is to share the Gospel. Jesus used the Ten Commandments in Luke 18:18 when the rich ruler asked what he must do to get into Heaven.
Also by using these innovative and acceptable tracts from "The Way of The Master", by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, you get the opportunity to get the Word of God into the hands of the lost.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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AL said...

All roads DO lead to the same place - the Judgment Seat of Christ. It's where you go from there that makes all the difference.

The wages of sin is death. Only Jesus Christ can pay our fine for us. We can't do it because it is our own sins that condemn us. No one else can do it because they have their own sins to deal with. Only God Himself could come down, live a perfect life, and then take the punishment that you and I deserve. If Jesus is not God, then we're all still condemned in our sins.

That leaves Christianity as the only hope, and the only path into heaven. Repent (turn from your sins, forsake them, stop committing them) and trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation.
Glory to God!

Unknown said...

Right on AL! I was hoping to get some coments ont this, thanks for being there as the front runner for defending the faith. I pray others may follow your lead.

Unknown said...
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