Here are faithfull seed sowers passing out Gospel Tracts (Million Dollar Bills )

Here's something to think a about:
Do you think a wantabe surgeon was confident the first time he cut open a cadaver? Think of it, slicing though the meat of flesh that was once a living human being! I'm sure he was apprehensive, fearful to actually do it!
The point I'm trying to make is it takes practice with everything we do. I'm not suggesting that everyone can be a surgeon, the reason one becomes one is they have a desire to be one, is that not true?
So lets parallel that with followers of Christ. If you have been called out from the lost of the world, He commands us to GO! (Mark 16:15), (Acts 1:8)(Acts 10:42) To only attend worship, which is a sign of obedience, acceptable, but then just be a part of home fellowship, Bible studies, retreats and not do all that Christ commands us to do...that should produce the deisre! If it hasn't, then maybe read 2nd Cor. 13:5, about examining yourself.
Charles Spurgeon, who was called the "Prince of Preachers", stated that, "If your not seeking to save the lost then your not saved yourself, you can be sure of that!"
Paul stated that we are to be all things to all people so that we may win them to Christ. I'm sharing this with you, with the intention of not offending you, but like Paul to win you over. This sounds like what Spurgeon was referring to, doesn't it?
In Col. 1:28, Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Doesn't this sound like we should be speaking to EVERY MAN , not just our family and friends?
Just like soldiers who have been fighting for ours and others freedom around the world. Does the solider sign up or be drafted and then state he doesn't have the gift of fighting for his country? I don't think so! He is sent to boot camp to learn. So if you have not had a chance to learn how to effectively share with everyone, please come to the next crash course on:
Saturday June 5th (You must register)
I was able to give a few open air messages by asking trivia and giving away money to draw a crowd. The final question is can anyone prove to me that they are a "Good Person" (someone always raises their hand)
This place was like a salmon stream, where they swim upstream to spawn... fish everywhere! The Lord said if we would follow Him, go out into the streets like He did, He would make us fishers of men! (Mat. 4:19)
I was able to do several that night, and those who took the "Good Person Test" and laughingly they admit that they are liars, thieves, and fornicators when I then ask where they would spend eternity, Heaven or Hell, the most common response, Heaven.
I ask how can that be and they tell me how they have been told that, "God is a loving and forgiven God" With that I respond with true, but that He is also Holy, Just, and Righteous God and cannot be in the presense of a sinner. And because He loves us He must punish those who violate His laws. I wish you could see the reactions on their faces as they go from smiling about their sinfulness to a humble, somber reflection. Now their heads are drooping down, no more smiles, as they realize the severity of what they have done.
Once they realize they will be convicted I ask if they know what God did for them so they wouldn't have to go to Hell and most don't or they just say he died on the cross.
I then tell them that God became flesh, by becoming a man with the name of Jesus Christ, and He took the punishment for my sins and their sins. His blood wiped clean all the sins I had committed, and if they REPENT and place their TRUST in Jesus Christ alone, then all their sins wold be forgiven and they would now be BORN AGAIN ! WOW!
I now tell them about 2nd Cor. 5:17, they are a new creation the old has gone and the new has come. So what they used to desire is no longer a desire, now they will want to serve their Lord who saved them from the hands of Satan and will desire to share that free gift (Eph 2:8-10)with everyone they meet...just like I have.
It was a great place to witness and the flock there is white for harvest. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers and BE ONE OF THOSE workers.
Your letters all ways so encouraging.
good good...
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