This site is primarily to help others learn how easy it is to share the Gospel. Jesus used the Ten Commandments in Luke 18:18 when the rich ruler asked what he must do to get into Heaven.
Also by using these innovative and acceptable tracts from "The Way of The Master", by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, you get the opportunity to get the Word of God into the hands of the lost.

Watch Our Journey Sharing Jesus Christ on the Streets in many parts of the World

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vera's Testimony and Catherine reaching out

Watch as my sister in Christ gives her heartfelt testimony, without
revealing what religion she came from. The church she attends
edited that part out. She was told that they did not want to offend anyone.

So tell me after watching it was she an Episcopalian, Mormon, or Catholic?
To me it sounded like or new government...political correctness!
We can't call a terrorist a terrorist, he is an enemy combatant.
They are no longer illegal aliens they are undocumented, killing the baby
of someone who is pregnant is not murder, it's an abortion.

(2nd Tim 4:3) states: For the time will come when they will not endure
sound doctrine; wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate
for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires. So is that time
now and in our churches? Am I wrong? I would really like your comments on this, just click the word comment on the bottom of this blog.

Here is Catherine reaching out to those in the streets who may be lost.
Think of it she is possibly reaching more lost souls in one night then most
churches in a year. Why not join us, who nows who you may save!

I thought I'd put this one in for fun, I couldn't believe it. When I came to
our favorite fishing hole on Mill Ave, there was this man with an accordion.
An accordion! Who in there right mind would admit that they could play one!

Well I'd have to admit I was one. It had been fifty years since I had played
that instrument! Fifty years! I couldn't resist, the temptation was to great.

I told the man my story as how when I was seven years old my father got me
one, hired a teacher and I learned how to play. I even appeared on the
Ted Mack's Amateur Hour on T.V.


Anonymous said...


Good testimony…and the counter is real.


AL said...

Political correctness has no business in any genuine Christian Church - that is attempting to serve two masters. Was Jesus politically correct? No, otherwise they wouldn't have been trying to kill Him. He called the Pharisees a brood of vipers and hypocrites. He overturned tables in the temple when it was becoming a den of thieves. He started His ministry telling people to repent.

How can one repent if they're too busy attempting to justify their sin? How can anyone repent if you're giving them a sugar-coated Gospel so you don't offend?

God is offended! And He is the only One that we should worry about offending.

I believe we are in the time that people will not endure sound doctrine, only listening to what their selfish desires want to hear.

Everything is to be accepted these days, every viewpoint, no matter how warped, is to have value, everything must be tolerated. Everything, that is, except Biblical Christianity.
Does anyone else smell hypocrisy in the world today?

Blace Brink said...

Amazing Tom, sorry I missed that one!