I was there around 11am and noticed lots of people sitting at the tables. This area was packed with people from all over the valley, the reason I know that was because I had asked a few people where they were from. The word was out that at 12 noon they would all be singing. Several had asked me if I was going to sing, maybe because I was wearing a red sweater!
So around 11:30 I started to ask those at the tables if I could buy their seat for a Million Dollars? Most of them said no, and others reached out for them. For those who said no I gave them the Million Dollar Gospel Tract anyway, and told everyone of them to read the back. It asks the Million Dollar question, "Are you good enough to get into Heaven?"
Watch as you will see hundreds of people singing this song. As I was filming this event, it came to me that the majority of those who were there were probably Church people.
Now that you have seen the video, would you agree that this reaching out was mainly for those who either sing in a choir or attend a Church. I mention this possibility because when I was leaving the mall, which was right after the singing, the parking garage was overflowing with other cars leaving.
If this was to be an outreach to the community, it seemed to be to only the community to those who attend Church.
Check out my Web Page
Watch Our Journey Sharing Jesus Christ on the Streets in many parts of the World
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Our Seed Sower Team in Tempe Saturday Night Nov. 27th 2010
This cold night didn't stop those who had a desire to reach out to the lost. It was a Glorious night for the Lord as we had several one to ones and did some Open Air's.
One of the team members got over her fear of speaking to a crowd and stood up on the step stool and with microphone in had proclaimed what God had given to Moses on Mt Sinai. She quoted in order the Ten Commandments, the measure that God has given mankind of what He expects from those who claim Him to be Lord.
Don't take this out of context, I not saying keeping them is what will save us, as we know that it's by Grace we are saved. Eph. 2: 8-10, tells us that. But how many even know them? I've asked hundreds of people who claim they do, but when I asked then to name them usually can name only 3 or 4.
It seems like our team of sowers is growing. Praise the Lord that more laborers are coming forth to proclaim what it means to be adopted into the Kingdom of Heaven!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sharing the Godsel of Jesus Christ on ASU campus
Today a bunch of us we went to ASU to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who may be lost.
Below are some of the team members.Jennifer, Jill, Al, Ann, and Jean all came out because they have recognized that just being a pew sitter is not what it means to a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus' prayer for those who claim him as lord is that our Heavenly Father send out more laborers because the laborer's are few! (Luke 10:2)
Think how many times we are told to just pray to the Lord so that whatever our situation is He would help to improve it.(Our family relationships, finances, and physical well being) Yet how many of us are not willing to answer the Lord's prayer and do what he Commanded, by going out into the streets as He did to help those who are lost be saved? (Mark 16:15), (Acts 1:8)
Remember having a good relationship with others, income to support all your need, and physical well being, are pleasant, but it still means one day you will die, and what is their destiny if the whole truth hasn't been giving to them. So maybe the greatest prayer is a prayer that causes us to action. Maybe ask the Lord to give you the courage to go share with everyone you come in contact with, so that some may be saved. Read (Romans 10:15)
Below is Al’s written request to those who walk the campus. “Are you a Good Person?."
There were many other sower's as we had 2,000 Gospel Tracts to hand out and the fish were definitely biting. Besides handing them out, many of the students were curious about what the message was and many of us we were able to do what is called "One 2 Ones" !
Pray that our Heavenly Father desires to adopt these sheep who are lost, as they seem to follow the campus philosophy that God isn't real and we are fanatics. What should concern us is that if we just keep quiet, as this is what our culture has endeared to us to do, you know "whatever", we shouldn't be telling others what the truth is as long as they believe in something they are okay!
But what did Jesus tell us in Mat. 10 :34? We need to be stirring up the pot because when people are complaisant they are not motivated to do anything. Have you heard how you can boil a frog to death? When they are in the pot of water very slowly turn up the heat.
It seems we are the same, as long as I'm comfortable living my life my way I'm fine. So what would it take for you to be on Fire for the Lord, and boldly proclaim what a wonderful, gracious, everlasting gift you have received? Read what Paul prayed for in: (Eph. 6:18-20)
One other comment, by sharing what the truth in the scriptures reveals to others we are called judgemental and that's not acceptable behavior. But can you help me with that one, because if someone claims that I'm being judgemental, then, aren't they being judgmental?
Below tthis young man didn't get offended or stataed that I was judging him by asking him if he considered himself Good enough to get into Henven. After asking him how would he be found if he had to face God after he admitted to lying, stealing and having lust in his heart, he admitted he would have to be sent to Hell. This concerned him and after I explained what Jesus had done for him and that he needed to REPENT and place his trust in Jesus Chirst ALONE, for the forgiveness of his sins, he thanked me...WOW!!! praise the Lord for this divine intervention.
Below are some of the team members.Jennifer, Jill, Al, Ann, and Jean all came out because they have recognized that just being a pew sitter is not what it means to a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus' prayer for those who claim him as lord is that our Heavenly Father send out more laborers because the laborer's are few! (Luke 10:2)
Think how many times we are told to just pray to the Lord so that whatever our situation is He would help to improve it.(Our family relationships, finances, and physical well being) Yet how many of us are not willing to answer the Lord's prayer and do what he Commanded, by going out into the streets as He did to help those who are lost be saved? (Mark 16:15), (Acts 1:8)
Remember having a good relationship with others, income to support all your need, and physical well being, are pleasant, but it still means one day you will die, and what is their destiny if the whole truth hasn't been giving to them. So maybe the greatest prayer is a prayer that causes us to action. Maybe ask the Lord to give you the courage to go share with everyone you come in contact with, so that some may be saved. Read (Romans 10:15)
Below is Al’s written request to those who walk the campus. “Are you a Good Person?."
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Al asking the question for all to see! |
Pray that our Heavenly Father desires to adopt these sheep who are lost, as they seem to follow the campus philosophy that God isn't real and we are fanatics. What should concern us is that if we just keep quiet, as this is what our culture has endeared to us to do, you know "whatever", we shouldn't be telling others what the truth is as long as they believe in something they are okay!
But what did Jesus tell us in Mat. 10 :34? We need to be stirring up the pot because when people are complaisant they are not motivated to do anything. Have you heard how you can boil a frog to death? When they are in the pot of water very slowly turn up the heat.
It seems we are the same, as long as I'm comfortable living my life my way I'm fine. So what would it take for you to be on Fire for the Lord, and boldly proclaim what a wonderful, gracious, everlasting gift you have received? Read what Paul prayed for in: (Eph. 6:18-20)
One other comment, by sharing what the truth in the scriptures reveals to others we are called judgemental and that's not acceptable behavior. But can you help me with that one, because if someone claims that I'm being judgemental, then, aren't they being judgmental?
Below tthis young man didn't get offended or stataed that I was judging him by asking him if he considered himself Good enough to get into Henven. After asking him how would he be found if he had to face God after he admitted to lying, stealing and having lust in his heart, he admitted he would have to be sent to Hell. This concerned him and after I explained what Jesus had done for him and that he needed to REPENT and place his trust in Jesus Chirst ALONE, for the forgiveness of his sins, he thanked me...WOW!!! praise the Lord for this divine intervention.
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Getting his attention with the Red & Blue illusion cards |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
1st Friday Night in Nov on the streets of Phx AZ
It was an inspiring evening to say the least! To watch Al's 8 year old daughter McKayla, not just recite the 10 Commandments but she nailed them perfectly!
I was also inspired to see all those who showed up: Al brought his wife Jill and their daughter McKayla, Ann who came all the way from Avondale, Alan, Toya and Dana, who brought Susan(this was her first time), Marcus and his sister Jennifer, and of course my lovely wife Catherine. It was also a blessing to see and hear those who stand on the rock in front of the Scientology building who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I was also blessed to see my good friend Dave the laborer for the Lord, who has recently returned from his outreach in Japan. It looked to me as if we are beginning to answer the Lord's prayer instead of us always asking Him to answer ours. "Send more laborers" (Luke 10:2)
This was truly a blessing from the Lord as he led a huge crowd to me to take the Good Person Test.
I was also inspired to see all those who showed up: Al brought his wife Jill and their daughter McKayla, Ann who came all the way from Avondale, Alan, Toya and Dana, who brought Susan(this was her first time), Marcus and his sister Jennifer, and of course my lovely wife Catherine. It was also a blessing to see and hear those who stand on the rock in front of the Scientology building who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I was also blessed to see my good friend Dave the laborer for the Lord, who has recently returned from his outreach in Japan. It looked to me as if we are beginning to answer the Lord's prayer instead of us always asking Him to answer ours. "Send more laborers" (Luke 10:2)
This was truly a blessing from the Lord as he led a huge crowd to me to take the Good Person Test.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It's Not a Secret Anymore! Even the Phoenix Magazines Knows About Us!
The other day a blessed sister in Christ, Jean a passionate Seed Sower for the Lord, (or you could say Evangelist) called with excitement in her voice, as she stated, "You made it! They have you in the magazine!" Catherine and I met with her as she showed us this magazine, Phoenix Magazine which posted 101 FUN Things to Do!
Evangelical street-preachers. Atheist street-preachers. Crypto-hippie homeless dog owners. Steroid-popping bar backs. Press-on-nail center maidens. We could go on all day. Without a doubt, Mill Avenue in downtown Tempe boasts the most diverse human ecosystem in the Valley. After you turn 30, it becomes harder to justify actually going into any of the bars, but Mill's people-watching pleasures are an all-ages treat. millavenue.comNow those who report what is going on using this 160 page magazine think that we are something to come to watch. How exciting is that!
I pray that many will come to hear as we boldly proclaim the reason why our Lord had to leave His Heavenly Throne and descend to Earth. His coming was not so that we would just know about Him, or accept Him as we have been told, but that He needed to show us how imperfect we are. (Even the demons believe in Jesus and they shudder!)
He came to show us the standard God requires from us, "Perfection". In (Mat. 5:48) He stated that we needed to be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. How could any of us claim to have achieved such a high standard? What is the standard that we would be compared to? Sadly most of us compare our goodness to others. It's easy for us to look at others and claim that we are not as bad as they are. So we are decieved into thinking that we are GOOD... even good enough to get into Heaven.
In (Mat 5:17) Jesus clearly explained what it would take to be accepted, or as Paul states adopted into the Kingdom. "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill." He lived a perfect life, just like he proclaimed in (Mat. 5:48). And again in (Mat 19:17) And He said to him, "Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." In (Luke 18:18-20) He explained what we would have to do to measure up to His standard.
Several times in the four Gospels, Jesus states that we needed to keep the Commandments. In (John 14:15) Jesus puts it simply, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
So with that in mind how many of the Commandments can you name? Oh, and for some of you just concentrate on the Ten that God took the time to write on the stone tables. You can find them in (Exodus 20: 3-17).
Remember this is the standard that God will Judge you by. Lets try a few to see how you do.
- Have you ever lied,
- Taken anything that doesn't belong to you, (the value doesn't matter)
- Used God's Name in vain, you know swearing. How many of you know that the Lord stated the He would not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain? (Ex. 20:7) Just that one sounds pretty serious but how many of us have violated that one and many times?
I Pray that you understand the meaning of what I'm saying. This is NOT legalism as some have accused us of. It's just stating the fact, that none of us is good enough to be adopted into the Kingdom. Jesus is very specific as He stated in (Mat. 4:17) and several other places, From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
So help me with this one, it sounds like we have to admit that we are Law breakers and not qualified to be admitted into the Heavenly place with our Holy, Perfect and Righteous Lord. We deserve to be punished, correct? Once that part is clear, I think He has opened our eyes to see how filthy we really are. It's the Grace of God who provides that reality. (Eph. 2:8-10), reveals that to me. Now because of that knowledge I must REPENT, have sorrow, regret, remorse, not to just turn from my sins but as Jesus told the woman caught in the act of adultery, "Go and sin no more"
Once I realize that I have offended God, and what Jesus had to go through to save a wretched sinner like me, how could I continue to violate the same Laws that Jesus paid the fine for that set me free by taking the punishment that I deserved.
Now that I know why I have been set free and have been adopted into the Kingdom of Heaven I MUST, I MUST be an obedient servant and do as my Lord, my Savior commands... Go and tell everyone I meet!
Christ Like,
Jesu Christ,
Mill Ave,
Open Air,
Ten Commandments
Monday, October 11, 2010
Saturday Night in Tempe with Tree of Life Community Church New Sowers
Saturday night was another glorious night for the Lord! Pastor B. J. and his people from Tree of Life Community Church in Tempe just finished their training from the Way of the Master on Thursday night and were now out on the streets of Tempe to put into practice what they had learned form the three previous classes.
It’s truly amazing to watch those who come out as they are at first hesitant to speak with the strangers who pass by. But I reminded them that I was the same way in the beginning when I first attended a Boot Camp in Seattle WA .
When I was there, it took a couple of hours for me to rely on the Holy Spirit, to energize me, and to not think of what they may think of me when I approach them, but to think of their faith, as this might be the only time anyone confronts them about where God might have to send them on Judgment Day. A fiery existence for eternity!
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another more important than yourselves; (Php 2:3)
And so it began, as they teamed up with the rest of the seed sowers they watched and prayed as we encountered the crowd by first offering Million Dollar bills to those who where passing by.
Later AL and I did some Open Air, where we offered money for trivia questions to try to draw a crowd, so that more could hear what God has in store for those who deny Jesus as Lord and Savior. (John 3:18)

Later on I asked if they would like to try to hand some out? Some said they would try, others sheepishly said yes. It was exciting to watch these new sowers reach out to the lost with their new weapon, Million Dollar bills with a few of God's Ten Commandments on them.
Now they would experience for themselves as to how easy it was to say to a passing stranger, “Did you get one of these?”
You should have seen how excited they were when the first person who walked by took one…the Joy it brought to them was exciting to watch to say the least, as now they were answering Jesus’ prayer in Luke 10:2.
Later that evening I asked Pastor B J what he thought, now that he had seen how we use these Gospel Tracts with the some of the Ten Commandments, and Open Air to draw a crowd, so we can ask those who stop by if they would like to take "The Good Person Test".
He responded with an excited response, he would like to have his people get more training so that more of his people would learn how simple it is to reach out to the lost. And also that his prayer that he has been praying since January would be answered,
“ That the Church walls would come down!”
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday Morning at McDonald's
After this morning the Spirit of the Lord compelled me to write what happened. I pray that when and if you read this you understand I'm not trying to make a statement, "Look at Me!", but with just a small amount of Biblical training, look how the Lord can use even me.
This story would not have happened if I was not prepared to share with a perfect stranger. I truly believe the Lord wanted me there!
After a few minutes another young man behind a register asked if he could help me. I went to him and stated that I wanted to have and egg burrito but was told it was too late, and that I was going to leave to find another place to have breakfast.
He stated that they had some left and if I wanted one he could get me one. That made my morning! Praise the Lord!
A few minutes later a Postman came and sat near me and I noticed that he put his head down before he ate his food. So I thought to myself was he praying or just thinking about his day. I took one of the Million Dollar bills I always carry and said, "Excuse me but were you just praying before you ate?' He stated, "Absolutely!" I then said to him, "Well whenever I see someone praying to the Lord I give them a Million Dollars".
He gave me a big smile, as that's what usually happens and then said that he had one of these and he had it stuck on his wall. At that point I asked if he had read the back and he said yes and he remembers seeing these given away on TV. The guys who were doing it were Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.
That's when I said to him well how did you get that first Million, and he said, "Someone gave it to him." Then I reminded him that's what he needed to do. Written on them is the Word of God and they are meant to be shared with others so that they too can read why Jesus Christ died for their sins.
He looked at me with a strange look at first then said, "You know your right." I asked him had he shared the gift of salvation with others that cross his path and he admitted sheepishly, "No" But he said after watching the program, it convinced him that he should be reaching out to others, as he has never heard a message like that from anyone else.
I then mentioned that I was putting on a seminar to teach those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, on the last Sat. in Oct., and would he like to attend. He stated that he wanted to learn more but said he works on Sat.
I then said that I would teach him one on one whenever he had the time, as I could hear from our conversation that he wanted to apply what he had seen from watching The Way of The Master on TV. He then said what if he had some other men could they attend as well?
Praise the Lord again for creating an opportunity to raise more laborers! Luke 10:2
This story would not have happened if I was not prepared to share with a perfect stranger. I truly believe the Lord wanted me there!
- I was supposed to be someplace else
- I was about to leave,
- I sat in a place were I would not normally sit.
Here's a question!
Strangers cross our paths all the time, so how do you approach them?
This morning I went McDonald's around 11:00 for a breakfast burrito. I was told by the young man behind the register that it was to late as they now had their lunch menu up. I struggled to order a burger and he kept asking what would I like to order. No one was behind me so I just kept staring at the menu trying to decide what else I could have. I then noticed a woman beside me so I told the young man to serve her.
After a few minutes another young man behind a register asked if he could help me. I went to him and stated that I wanted to have and egg burrito but was told it was too late, and that I was going to leave to find another place to have breakfast.
He stated that they had some left and if I wanted one he could get me one. That made my morning! Praise the Lord!
A few minutes later a Postman came and sat near me and I noticed that he put his head down before he ate his food. So I thought to myself was he praying or just thinking about his day. I took one of the Million Dollar bills I always carry and said, "Excuse me but were you just praying before you ate?' He stated, "Absolutely!" I then said to him, "Well whenever I see someone praying to the Lord I give them a Million Dollars".
He gave me a big smile, as that's what usually happens and then said that he had one of these and he had it stuck on his wall. At that point I asked if he had read the back and he said yes and he remembers seeing these given away on TV. The guys who were doing it were Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.
That's when I said to him well how did you get that first Million, and he said, "Someone gave it to him." Then I reminded him that's what he needed to do. Written on them is the Word of God and they are meant to be shared with others so that they too can read why Jesus Christ died for their sins.
He looked at me with a strange look at first then said, "You know your right." I asked him had he shared the gift of salvation with others that cross his path and he admitted sheepishly, "No" But he said after watching the program, it convinced him that he should be reaching out to others, as he has never heard a message like that from anyone else.
I then mentioned that I was putting on a seminar to teach those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, on the last Sat. in Oct., and would he like to attend. He stated that he wanted to learn more but said he works on Sat.
I then said that I would teach him one on one whenever he had the time, as I could hear from our conversation that he wanted to apply what he had seen from watching The Way of The Master on TV. He then said what if he had some other men could they attend as well?
Praise the Lord again for creating an opportunity to raise more laborers! Luke 10:2
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
¿Questions?, Sovereignty of God, The Need of a Savior. (You Decide)
We couldn't come up with a simple Title for this one, so I listed a few, ...you decide!
Al was confronted by a few obvious unbelievers we met on the street. They were willing to discuss spiritual matters, they were polite and had some great questions. About halfway through, Al took them through the Good Person Test to show them their need for a Savior.
He shared with them about whether or not we are all “children of God” or not, and why punishment in Hell is eternal.
But the Scriptures are clear: Psalm 19:7, Galatians 3:24.
Please watch this to see what they believe and is it the standard for most of our culture today?
We didn't catch their names, but have seen them out there before. Al asked that we keep them in prayer, God knows their names.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
He Came Back !!!
I pray that you watch this video. This young man, Alex, came back with his female friend after going through the Good Person test about an hour earlier. When he approached me he turned to her and stated, " this is the man who explained to me why we need a Savior".
Saturday, October 2, 2010
1st Friday Night at the Phoenix Art Fair 10/1/10
Tonight was an awesome night for the Lord! Alan and I went down together, and several seed sowers showed up. Dana (she likes to be called Dan a' Sounds like banana), David, Joe, Pastor Jon, Leigh, Marcus, Phill, Robert, and Valerie. The Lord definitely was providing support in our endeavor to reach out to the masses on the streets of apathy.
The Lord would have been pleased to see His followers planting seeds to those who may be lost. Would you agree that by going out into the streets where the masses are that it would be honoring our Master? He told us that if we follow Him He would make us fisher's of men. (Mat 4:19, Mark 1:17) We would deny ourselves and take up our cross. (Mat. 16:24) And of course knowing we couldn't do it without His help, He tells us how we will be able to accomplish what He has commanded us to do! (Acts 1:8)
His prayer in Luke 10: 2 was for the Lord to send out more laborers, because the laborers are few...Are you one of the few or the many?
I had one young man tell me that his father told him, that when Jesus came He abolished the Law and mankind was no longer under the Law. All that was needed now was for us to Love our neighbors. I asked him had he read that himself in the scripture and he said, "No". I asked if he would like to read what Jesus said in the Bible and he said, "Not really, that I should meet with his father and show him.
How sad it is that the phrase , "I know what I know so don't confuse me with the truth!" seems to be so popular.
It's starts in Mat. 5:17, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until in and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
So what's your take on this? Does it read that if we are out teaching others about God's Ten Commandments, we are pleasing the Lord, but if not... Well you read the verse and come to your own conclusion.
Would love to hear your take on it.
The Lord would have been pleased to see His followers planting seeds to those who may be lost. Would you agree that by going out into the streets where the masses are that it would be honoring our Master? He told us that if we follow Him He would make us fisher's of men. (Mat 4:19, Mark 1:17) We would deny ourselves and take up our cross. (Mat. 16:24) And of course knowing we couldn't do it without His help, He tells us how we will be able to accomplish what He has commanded us to do! (Acts 1:8)
Please correct me if I'm wrong
- Does anyone know of a fisherman who does not go out to fish?
- The fish don't come to them do they?
- Denying ourselves and taking up our cross doesn't sound like doing the things that we like to do, does it?
- Doing only what's comfortable to us or convenient doesn't sound like the burden the Lord was taking about either, does it?
His prayer in Luke 10: 2 was for the Lord to send out more laborers, because the laborers are few...Are you one of the few or the many?
I had one young man tell me that his father told him, that when Jesus came He abolished the Law and mankind was no longer under the Law. All that was needed now was for us to Love our neighbors. I asked him had he read that himself in the scripture and he said, "No". I asked if he would like to read what Jesus said in the Bible and he said, "Not really, that I should meet with his father and show him.
How sad it is that the phrase , "I know what I know so don't confuse me with the truth!" seems to be so popular.
It's starts in Mat. 5:17, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until in and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
So what's your take on this? Does it read that if we are out teaching others about God's Ten Commandments, we are pleasing the Lord, but if not... Well you read the verse and come to your own conclusion.
Would love to hear your take on it.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Stone Age or New Technology
Al , Alan, Marcus, Joe, Ronnie and myself came out to seek those who may be lost. It's by the Lord's authority and blessing so we know that we have to pray before we encounter them. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12)
Shortly after we were prayed up, we started to implement the new tools that the Lord has prepared for us in this time frame. It saddens me to see so many who claim Christ still living in the "Stone Age"! (I'll explain later)
We have these "Light Fingers" to draw them away from the bond of Satan for a little while so that they can hear the truth about Jesus Christ. (Would you be willing to be a fool for Jesus?)
These Light Fingers are rubber fingers like those that were used by people who count money, but inside they have a tiny battery and light that when you squeeze it it lights up. We stand on opposite sides of the sidewalk and throw the imaginary light back and forth to each other. You should see the looks on the faces and they walk between us. Some will even duck as they pass by so as not to be hit by the light.
One such group of about 8 well dressed young ladies stopped in awe, as what they were seeing they couldn't believe. As soon as that happens,one of us will go up to them and show them that this is an illusion and that their eyes could fool them...they always agree.
Now is the perfect time, as they are now curious about what they saw, and we can recite a script from the back of this new technology. Ray has designed two curved cards, one red card and one blue. When these two cards are held together they look the same size, but when you separate them and move them from left to right, the red one looks bigger then the blue one.
The fact that they believe their eyes can fool them we then ask if they would sell one of their eyes for a million dollars. NO, is what you usually get, (unless they are teenagers, then you have to lower the amount because they would sell one for a million), we then ask how about 10 million dollars for both eyes, NO again.
Now we give them the reason, we tell them that their eyes are precious to them aren't they? They always respond with a YES! Now we are free to tell them what Jesus said in "(Mark 9:47) "If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell. We now tell them if that's true let's look at the other Commandments He gave us.
When they were asked had they ever lied, all 8 said yes, when asked if the ever stole anything, several stated that the were Christians. I then asked does that mean they have never taken anything that didn't belong to them? They all said NO, I then stated so if you broke God's Law would just saying you're a Christian save you from God's Wrath? With that several grabbed their friends and said they had to go. Our guys gave them all million dollar Gospel tracts and asked if they would please read them. as they were walking away you could hear them say, "Thank You for sharing"
So maybe, just maybe using the Law as Paul states in (Gal. 3:24) we are able to help them understand. (check out 1 John 5:20) One of my favorites from Charles Spurgeon:
Soon after they left Al and I started throwing the lights around again and this time a family of four stopped to watch. We gave the sane message. I hope you can see that this way of sharing, using these state of the art equipment, just like we no longer use typewriters, we have computers with word processors.
I'm sure you would agree that if you don't have a persons attention you can't share with them. Ray Comfort from The Way of the Master has several eye catching items to help you reach the lost. Million Dollar bills, Red & Blue illusion cards. A card that says if you don't think you need a ticket to get to Heaven then tear this up...and they can't. One of my favorites is a shinning silver coin with the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other, just to name a few.
Help me out with this one, give me a good reason why a follower of Christ would resist giving out of these coins, or any of the unique tracts to everyone you meet?....I don't get it! Do you realize how many people we could help find their way to the Cross...talk about a revival!
I pray that you would contact me if you're not doing everything possible to reach out to save those who have not received the undeserved gift that you have.
Shortly after we were prayed up, we started to implement the new tools that the Lord has prepared for us in this time frame. It saddens me to see so many who claim Christ still living in the "Stone Age"! (I'll explain later)
We have these "Light Fingers" to draw them away from the bond of Satan for a little while so that they can hear the truth about Jesus Christ. (Would you be willing to be a fool for Jesus?)
These Light Fingers are rubber fingers like those that were used by people who count money, but inside they have a tiny battery and light that when you squeeze it it lights up. We stand on opposite sides of the sidewalk and throw the imaginary light back and forth to each other. You should see the looks on the faces and they walk between us. Some will even duck as they pass by so as not to be hit by the light.
One such group of about 8 well dressed young ladies stopped in awe, as what they were seeing they couldn't believe. As soon as that happens,one of us will go up to them and show them that this is an illusion and that their eyes could fool them...they always agree.
Now is the perfect time, as they are now curious about what they saw, and we can recite a script from the back of this new technology. Ray has designed two curved cards, one red card and one blue. When these two cards are held together they look the same size, but when you separate them and move them from left to right, the red one looks bigger then the blue one.
The fact that they believe their eyes can fool them we then ask if they would sell one of their eyes for a million dollars. NO, is what you usually get, (unless they are teenagers, then you have to lower the amount because they would sell one for a million), we then ask how about 10 million dollars for both eyes, NO again.
Now we give them the reason, we tell them that their eyes are precious to them aren't they? They always respond with a YES! Now we are free to tell them what Jesus said in "(Mark 9:47) "If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell. We now tell them if that's true let's look at the other Commandments He gave us.
When they were asked had they ever lied, all 8 said yes, when asked if the ever stole anything, several stated that the were Christians. I then asked does that mean they have never taken anything that didn't belong to them? They all said NO, I then stated so if you broke God's Law would just saying you're a Christian save you from God's Wrath? With that several grabbed their friends and said they had to go. Our guys gave them all million dollar Gospel tracts and asked if they would please read them. as they were walking away you could hear them say, "Thank You for sharing"
So maybe, just maybe using the Law as Paul states in (Gal. 3:24) we are able to help them understand. (check out 1 John 5:20) One of my favorites from Charles Spurgeon:
I do not believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach Law. The Law is the needle, and you cannot draw the silken tread of the gospel through a man's heart until you first send the Law to make way for it.I hope you can see by using up to date technology we are able to reach those who are lost. This group of young ladies did not have a clear understanding of what it means to be Born Again. If it weren't for the Light Fingers they never would have stopped to listen to us. If we were to use Stone Age technology and just preach to them, that Jesus loves them, they never wold have stopped to listen. Read 1 Cor. 1:18
Soon after they left Al and I started throwing the lights around again and this time a family of four stopped to watch. We gave the sane message. I hope you can see that this way of sharing, using these state of the art equipment, just like we no longer use typewriters, we have computers with word processors.
I'm sure you would agree that if you don't have a persons attention you can't share with them. Ray Comfort from The Way of the Master has several eye catching items to help you reach the lost. Million Dollar bills, Red & Blue illusion cards. A card that says if you don't think you need a ticket to get to Heaven then tear this up...and they can't. One of my favorites is a shinning silver coin with the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other, just to name a few.
Help me out with this one, give me a good reason why a follower of Christ would resist giving out of these coins, or any of the unique tracts to everyone you meet?....I don't get it! Do you realize how many people we could help find their way to the Cross...talk about a revival!
I pray that you would contact me if you're not doing everything possible to reach out to save those who have not received the undeserved gift that you have.
Is it true that you just need to "BELIEVE"?
A young man stopped by to take the good person test, and received his cash for answering the question. When asked if he was good enough to get into heaven, he said, yes!
After taking him through the law he accepted the fact that he was guilty but that he believed in Jesus and was going to heaven, but did not consider himself a Christian!
He then made an incredible claim, that he also believed in Mohammad, and Buddha!
I stated that didn't make sense, if you say you believe in Jesus then you should also be called a Christian. Believing in Jesus is an exclusive relationship and if you claim you believe in others for your salvation then you couldn't be saved!
At that point he got very angry and shouted at me saying that if I was telling him that the people who believed in those religions were going to Hell, he then threw the money at my feet and yelled, " I don't want any part of your Jesus!" 1 John 5:11-13, 1 John 5:20
Your comments welcomed about this.
On a more positive note, Ronnie is a new sower. This is only his 2nd time out on Saturday night and already he's engaging with strangers!
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Ronnie on the right handing out a million dollar tract on Mill Ave |
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday Night at the Art Fair
Another Glorious night for the Lord! We had some new sower's come out to reach out to the lost. George & Sarah from Cave Creek came down to reach out and pray for us and the lost. Alan, my loving wife Catherine, Joe, Marcus, Phil and his group was there as well.
Even our atheist friend Sean and his lady friend setup besides us with their large amplifier to try to over shout our ability to share with those who come to listen.
Joe stepped in front of Sean as he was screaming the answers to the trivia questions and started praying for him. Sarah was behind Sean praying as well. Take this at face value because according to Joe, Sean started to stammer and then went quiet.
I try not to pay attention to what that group is doing when I'm trying to draw a crowd so the only thing I remember was that the shouting from the atheist Sean had stopped. I learned about what Joe and Sarah had done much later in the evening. Praise the Lord for confining those who would oppose the Word of God being proclaimed to the masses in the streets.
Listen as Ryan tries to justify his lifestyle. 1Cor 6:9-10 is very clear!
Even our atheist friend Sean and his lady friend setup besides us with their large amplifier to try to over shout our ability to share with those who come to listen.
Joe stepped in front of Sean as he was screaming the answers to the trivia questions and started praying for him. Sarah was behind Sean praying as well. Take this at face value because according to Joe, Sean started to stammer and then went quiet.
I try not to pay attention to what that group is doing when I'm trying to draw a crowd so the only thing I remember was that the shouting from the atheist Sean had stopped. I learned about what Joe and Sarah had done much later in the evening. Praise the Lord for confining those who would oppose the Word of God being proclaimed to the masses in the streets.
Listen as Ryan tries to justify his lifestyle. 1Cor 6:9-10 is very clear!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Reaching out to the lost in Tempe AZ
Saturday night in Tempe was another Glorious evening for the Lord. During one of our encounters in drawing a crowd with trivia questions a family passed by and the teenage girl answered the question and took her prize of one dollar. I then asked if she would like to take the Good Person Test and she glanced at her father and mother who really didn't say anything, so the young girl came towards me to take the test. Immediately her younger brother came along side her as well as he too was anxious to get the five dollars that I was offering for the test.
This is the first time that I can remember giving this test to someone so young. I asked her father how old was his daughter, he told me she was 16, so I thought she was old enough to understand what I was about to ask her.
Interestingly enough she had no problem admitting to lying, stealing, swearing, but her brother did. He did not want to admit to stealing until I questioned him further, stating to him that God was present and for him to search his conscience. Remember "Con" is with and "Science" is knowledge, so with knowledge, he was convicted about his sin. After that statement he admitted, with a smile on his face, that he had taken things that didn't belong to him.
After admitting that they were law breakers, I asked where would God have to send them, Heaven or Hell?
The young lady replied to Hell... and when I asked did she now what God did for her so she wouldn't have to go to Hell she stated, "He died on the cross". I then asked does that mean that everyone will be going to Heaven? She said no! So then I asked did she know what she needed to do so that she would go to Heaven? Her response was typical..just try to be good!
I explained what Jesus Himself stated in Luke 13:3, " I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
So trying to be good won't save you. You must place your trust in Jesus Chrsit alone and then REPENT!(have sorrow, remorse, regrett for what you have done that caused Jesus to be crucified.)
Then turn form your sins. Ask the Lord to help you HATE the sin the way He does, that way you won't be a slave to it. No one does to himself what he hates.
Even though she and her brother failed the Good Person Test I gave her the 5 dollars to show a paultry example of what it looks like on how we are saved. I gave her Eph. 2:8-10, to remind her it's by grace, not of works that we are adopted into the Kingdom fo God.
What happened next I was not expecting. The two of them returned to where their familes when standing and the father came up to me and thanked me for sharin with his children. He then handed me a 5 dollasr bill. I told him I couldn't take it as it was freely giving to his son & daughter. He then gave me a big smile and said you don't understand, anyone who preaches the Word of God like that in public deserves it, so that I could give it to some else.
Watch as Al gives the same test to Ace.
This is the first time that I can remember giving this test to someone so young. I asked her father how old was his daughter, he told me she was 16, so I thought she was old enough to understand what I was about to ask her.
Interestingly enough she had no problem admitting to lying, stealing, swearing, but her brother did. He did not want to admit to stealing until I questioned him further, stating to him that God was present and for him to search his conscience. Remember "Con" is with and "Science" is knowledge, so with knowledge, he was convicted about his sin. After that statement he admitted, with a smile on his face, that he had taken things that didn't belong to him.
After admitting that they were law breakers, I asked where would God have to send them, Heaven or Hell?
The young lady replied to Hell... and when I asked did she now what God did for her so she wouldn't have to go to Hell she stated, "He died on the cross". I then asked does that mean that everyone will be going to Heaven? She said no! So then I asked did she know what she needed to do so that she would go to Heaven? Her response was typical..just try to be good!
I explained what Jesus Himself stated in Luke 13:3, " I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
So trying to be good won't save you. You must place your trust in Jesus Chrsit alone and then REPENT!(have sorrow, remorse, regrett for what you have done that caused Jesus to be crucified.)
Then turn form your sins. Ask the Lord to help you HATE the sin the way He does, that way you won't be a slave to it. No one does to himself what he hates.
Even though she and her brother failed the Good Person Test I gave her the 5 dollars to show a paultry example of what it looks like on how we are saved. I gave her Eph. 2:8-10, to remind her it's by grace, not of works that we are adopted into the Kingdom fo God.
What happened next I was not expecting. The two of them returned to where their familes when standing and the father came up to me and thanked me for sharin with his children. He then handed me a 5 dollasr bill. I told him I couldn't take it as it was freely giving to his son & daughter. He then gave me a big smile and said you don't understand, anyone who preaches the Word of God like that in public deserves it, so that I could give it to some else.
Watch as Al gives the same test to Ace.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday Night at the Phoenix Art Fair
My loving wife Catherine and I went with Alan to 3rd St and Roosevelt to pass out Gospel Tracts and some bottled water. We met Leigh there and later Mike D. came by. This was Mike's first time with us and we praise the Lord for him coming. He attended a 4 week seminar I put on in July with some of the guys he meets with regularly on Monday nights.
Praise the Lord for placing in his heart to get out of his comfort zone and see how many souls can be reached by being out were the lost are.
Watch Bobby and Chris giving the sign of the cross so to show what they have been indoctrinated with as a means of seeking forgiveness.
Watch Jessica explain that she was born into Christianity as her father was a Pastor.
Here is Ryan admitting that he is gay and then realizes he could be headed for Hell
Praise the Lord for placing in his heart to get out of his comfort zone and see how many souls can be reached by being out were the lost are.
Watch Bobby and Chris giving the sign of the cross so to show what they have been indoctrinated with as a means of seeking forgiveness.
Watch Jessica explain that she was born into Christianity as her father was a Pastor.
Here is Ryan admitting that he is gay and then realizes he could be headed for Hell
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Husband and Wife taking the Good Person Test
Not too many passing by, but the Lord did send this couple to hear His Word and He opened their hearts and minds to the truth...Glory to God for this blessing!
Watch as this couple at first try to justify what they have done and their misunderstanding of a God that was only loving and forgiving. It's sad that they haven't been told that He is also Holy, Just and a Righteous God who must do what He stated:
"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."(Rev 21:8)
But after they heard how the Law would have to punish them for what they had done, they understood what it really meant for them to be Born Again. They would have to place their faith and trust in Jesus' death on the Cross for saving them from spending eternity in Hell and Repent, turn from sin. Just trying to be a "good person", wouldn't save them.
In Mat. 18:13, "If it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray.
If you can hear what the women in the wheelchair said at the end of the conversation," God sent you to us tonight for a reason!"
I post these videos Not to show what I do but to show that any of us can share with anyone about someone who can save anyone, you just need to be willing to learn how to.
Watch as this couple at first try to justify what they have done and their misunderstanding of a God that was only loving and forgiving. It's sad that they haven't been told that He is also Holy, Just and a Righteous God who must do what He stated:
"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."(Rev 21:8)
But after they heard how the Law would have to punish them for what they had done, they understood what it really meant for them to be Born Again. They would have to place their faith and trust in Jesus' death on the Cross for saving them from spending eternity in Hell and Repent, turn from sin. Just trying to be a "good person", wouldn't save them.
In Mat. 18:13, "If it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray.
If you can hear what the women in the wheelchair said at the end of the conversation," God sent you to us tonight for a reason!"
I post these videos Not to show what I do but to show that any of us can share with anyone about someone who can save anyone, you just need to be willing to learn how to.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Way of the Master Seminar July 24th 2010
Today was a glorious day for the Lord as the truth of the Gospel was revealed to several of those who attended the Way of the Master seminar at Kineo Church in Phoenix AZ.
After watching the 2nd video in the series, of Ray Comfort explaining about True and False converts, one lady stood up and calmly stated, "This was the first time in all the years she has been a Christian that she clearly understood the difference between legalism and a relationship with Jesus Christ. She had admitted that she rarely spoke to people she didn't know but know can see how easy it would be by using the Ice Breakers from this training and is now anxious to go out to seek and save the lost. (This lady is in her 70"s)
Another man stood up with a surprise in his voice and stated, "There're wrong! I have friends of mine from Churches who have told me that The Way of the Master principle of sharing the Gospel is wrong and shouldn't be accepted, but now that I have heard it for myself, I can clearly see that it presents the truth, the Word of God from the Bible, and they are wrong in making that statement!"
Another lady stated that she wanted to be refreshed as she had attended one of the seminars about 3 years ago.
Then Joe told everyone that he had been to a couple in the last 6 months and still wanted to hear more. I guess the phrase, " Repetition is the mother of learning" has some truth in it"!
So after the training about half of those who attended came with us to Tempe. This, in fact is the agenda, to get as many people out into the streets to watch how easy it is using these principles, God's Commandments, printed on paper that you can offer to anyone who passes you by. (Luke 10:2)
The place we stop at is in front of the Post Office. Other sowers came down as well, as we were able to fill up the corner with these Saints who have a desire to reach the lost no matter what the cost. Al, who also teaches at the seminar, this time brought a 6' wooden cross, click to view it on his blog, with him that he made, with the words, "Are you Ready?" written on it.
Alan, Marcus, Joe, Leigh, David, Harry and of course my devoted wife Catherine, who helps me put these seminars on. (I thank God for her!) We gathered together and prayed before turning our attention to those passing by. It was a quiet night very few passing by.
Because the first half hour seemed quiet, Catherine felt the need to pray for more people to accept our offerings of these Gospel Tracts, because the few who were passing by were not taking them. So she prayed that the Lord would send us people so we could hand out the Word of God using our Gospel Tracts. So the Lord was faithful in answering her pray, when several minutes later she noticed that more groups of people were coming by and more tracts were being accepted.
This was David's first time attending our seminar and coming to Tempe. He was enamored with the magic light fingers that we use to toss back and forth to get the attention of those who are walking by. Several times groups will stop in wonder about us tossing the lights to each other and then we can explain how their eyes can fool them and what Jesus told them they should do if their eye causes them to sin. Now we have their attention and we can politely ask them about the rest of the Commandments that one day God will judge them by and how do they think they would do?
So now David is thinking about getting these magic light fingers for himself and then he too can look like a fool for Jesus! Would you do the same?
I thought I'd share a strange encounter with one large heavily tattooed man, as I have never been told this before.
I was offering free ice cold bottle of living water to anyone who could prove he was a Good Person. He took the challenge and I explained that I would use God's Ten Commandments as the bench mark for his goodness. After asking him if he ever lied, or stolen he responded with telling me he was Michael the Arch Angel, and that he could kill me right now if he wanted to.
At that moment, I have to tell you that I believed him, because of the look in his eyes and him leaning towards me. I can only attest my calmness through the Holy Spirit as I immediately responded with yes you could, but, you can only kill my body as my soul is already sealed with Jesus Christ in Heaven! (Mat 10:28)
He backed away mumbled something and I asked if he would like some ice cold living water? He said okay, I asked if he wanted one for his girlfriend, he said, Yes", I gave him another bottle. Please pray for this "Arch Angel", that the demons release Him and like Paul, he finds the truth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ who can save him for eternity.
Several hundred Gospel Tracts with God's Ten Commandments were handed out this night, so please pray that by His Grace many will understand why they need a Savior.
I just got this information today and felt compelled to share it with you.
This is a link to a video that shows police in Dearborn MI. on June 19th 2010 arresting Christians for sharing with Muslims. They were accused of provoking a riot but watch this video and let me know what you think. ( What is this county coming to?). Check this video out
After watching the 2nd video in the series, of Ray Comfort explaining about True and False converts, one lady stood up and calmly stated, "This was the first time in all the years she has been a Christian that she clearly understood the difference between legalism and a relationship with Jesus Christ. She had admitted that she rarely spoke to people she didn't know but know can see how easy it would be by using the Ice Breakers from this training and is now anxious to go out to seek and save the lost. (This lady is in her 70"s)
Another man stood up with a surprise in his voice and stated, "There're wrong! I have friends of mine from Churches who have told me that The Way of the Master principle of sharing the Gospel is wrong and shouldn't be accepted, but now that I have heard it for myself, I can clearly see that it presents the truth, the Word of God from the Bible, and they are wrong in making that statement!"
Another lady stated that she wanted to be refreshed as she had attended one of the seminars about 3 years ago.
Then Joe told everyone that he had been to a couple in the last 6 months and still wanted to hear more. I guess the phrase, " Repetition is the mother of learning" has some truth in it"!
So after the training about half of those who attended came with us to Tempe. This, in fact is the agenda, to get as many people out into the streets to watch how easy it is using these principles, God's Commandments, printed on paper that you can offer to anyone who passes you by. (Luke 10:2)
The place we stop at is in front of the Post Office. Other sowers came down as well, as we were able to fill up the corner with these Saints who have a desire to reach the lost no matter what the cost. Al, who also teaches at the seminar, this time brought a 6' wooden cross, click to view it on his blog, with him that he made, with the words, "Are you Ready?" written on it.
Alan, Marcus, Joe, Leigh, David, Harry and of course my devoted wife Catherine, who helps me put these seminars on. (I thank God for her!) We gathered together and prayed before turning our attention to those passing by. It was a quiet night very few passing by.
Because the first half hour seemed quiet, Catherine felt the need to pray for more people to accept our offerings of these Gospel Tracts, because the few who were passing by were not taking them. So she prayed that the Lord would send us people so we could hand out the Word of God using our Gospel Tracts. So the Lord was faithful in answering her pray, when several minutes later she noticed that more groups of people were coming by and more tracts were being accepted.
This was David's first time attending our seminar and coming to Tempe. He was enamored with the magic light fingers that we use to toss back and forth to get the attention of those who are walking by. Several times groups will stop in wonder about us tossing the lights to each other and then we can explain how their eyes can fool them and what Jesus told them they should do if their eye causes them to sin. Now we have their attention and we can politely ask them about the rest of the Commandments that one day God will judge them by and how do they think they would do?
So now David is thinking about getting these magic light fingers for himself and then he too can look like a fool for Jesus! Would you do the same?
I thought I'd share a strange encounter with one large heavily tattooed man, as I have never been told this before.
I was offering free ice cold bottle of living water to anyone who could prove he was a Good Person. He took the challenge and I explained that I would use God's Ten Commandments as the bench mark for his goodness. After asking him if he ever lied, or stolen he responded with telling me he was Michael the Arch Angel, and that he could kill me right now if he wanted to.
At that moment, I have to tell you that I believed him, because of the look in his eyes and him leaning towards me. I can only attest my calmness through the Holy Spirit as I immediately responded with yes you could, but, you can only kill my body as my soul is already sealed with Jesus Christ in Heaven! (Mat 10:28)
He backed away mumbled something and I asked if he would like some ice cold living water? He said okay, I asked if he wanted one for his girlfriend, he said, Yes", I gave him another bottle. Please pray for this "Arch Angel", that the demons release Him and like Paul, he finds the truth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ who can save him for eternity.
Several hundred Gospel Tracts with God's Ten Commandments were handed out this night, so please pray that by His Grace many will understand why they need a Savior.
I just got this information today and felt compelled to share it with you.
This is a link to a video that shows police in Dearborn MI. on June 19th 2010 arresting Christians for sharing with Muslims. They were accused of provoking a riot but watch this video and let me know what you think. ( What is this county coming to?). Check this video out
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Free Ice Cold Living Water!
Sounds familiar?
In (John 4:13-14) Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."
Watch as Keegan has a problem accepting this Free Gift of Living Water. We all know that it's not the water that can save anyone from eternal death, but the Word of God, revealed, that can save a rebellious soul!
Please pray for Keegan that the Lord can open his eyes to see his true condition and repent and turn to the Savior
Watch as a young female college student who has the passion and courage to try to prevent the Gospel being proclaimed with her own bullhorn.
Do you think that offering free water on hot summer nights is an appropriate way to try to reach out to those who are lost? In (John 4: 17-18), Jesus confronted her with the fact that she was living an immoral lifestyle by living with a man who was not her husband...violating the 7th Commandment.
We need to alert those who have been given false information about how a forgiving God is and remind them that He is also a Righteous and Just God. Because of His nature He must punish those who violate His Commands.
So when He opens our eyes to realize we are Law breakers and we deserve to burn in Hell, and that He provided a way for us to be set free. He lowered Himself and become a man to take the punishment for the crimes that you and I committed.
So by placing our trust in what Jesus did on the Cross, we can't save ourselves with our so called good works, (Eph. 2:8-10) we must Repent! feel remorse, regret for offending a Holy God, then our sins can be forgiven, past present and future. (It's called being born again!)
In (John 4:13-14) Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."
- Do you have enough of your own that you could offer some to others?
- If not what prevents you from sharing that wonderful gift that you claim?
- If this is a challenge for you, please let us know, we'd like to help.
Watch as Keegan has a problem accepting this Free Gift of Living Water. We all know that it's not the water that can save anyone from eternal death, but the Word of God, revealed, that can save a rebellious soul!
Please pray for Keegan that the Lord can open his eyes to see his true condition and repent and turn to the Savior
Watch as a young female college student who has the passion and courage to try to prevent the Gospel being proclaimed with her own bullhorn.
Do you think that offering free water on hot summer nights is an appropriate way to try to reach out to those who are lost? In (John 4: 17-18), Jesus confronted her with the fact that she was living an immoral lifestyle by living with a man who was not her husband...violating the 7th Commandment.
We need to alert those who have been given false information about how a forgiving God is and remind them that He is also a Righteous and Just God. Because of His nature He must punish those who violate His Commands.
So when He opens our eyes to realize we are Law breakers and we deserve to burn in Hell, and that He provided a way for us to be set free. He lowered Himself and become a man to take the punishment for the crimes that you and I committed.
So by placing our trust in what Jesus did on the Cross, we can't save ourselves with our so called good works, (Eph. 2:8-10) we must Repent! feel remorse, regret for offending a Holy God, then our sins can be forgiven, past present and future. (It's called being born again!)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Phoenix Art Fair July 2010
This night again was filled with people desiring to hear the true Gospel message.
Anne mentioned to me that she had given out all of the 100 pact of million dollar tracts she had and it was only around 9:30. I gave her a bunch more and off she went to share with the lost with a big smile.
My understanding from the rest of the sowers was that almost five hundred tracts were given out and we were able to give away 20 bottles of water with almost all of them taking the Good Person Test.
View the videos and watch as the those who are asked about their eternal destiny when confronted by God's law His Ten Commandments they suddenly change their demeanor and realize maybe for the first time that God is not just a forgiving God, but also a just God, and a Righteous God and by His nature He punish those who have violated His Laws.
We shared with Frieda and Israel and noticed how convicted they became to the point that they wanted to do something about it. We didn't video them but were able to video the one below.
Watch closely as their friends try to make them leave, yet they stay to hear more. Can you how see the Holy Spirit convicts them to repent and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ alone.
Not sure about this person but her costume was unique, especially on a hot summer night
Anne mentioned to me that she had given out all of the 100 pact of million dollar tracts she had and it was only around 9:30. I gave her a bunch more and off she went to share with the lost with a big smile.
My understanding from the rest of the sowers was that almost five hundred tracts were given out and we were able to give away 20 bottles of water with almost all of them taking the Good Person Test.
View the videos and watch as the those who are asked about their eternal destiny when confronted by God's law His Ten Commandments they suddenly change their demeanor and realize maybe for the first time that God is not just a forgiving God, but also a just God, and a Righteous God and by His nature He punish those who have violated His Laws.
We shared with Frieda and Israel and noticed how convicted they became to the point that they wanted to do something about it. We didn't video them but were able to video the one below.
Watch closely as their friends try to make them leave, yet they stay to hear more. Can you how see the Holy Spirit convicts them to repent and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ alone.
Not sure about this person but her costume was unique, especially on a hot summer night
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hot night for the Lord on the streets of Tempe
Tonight was an awesome night! Alan, Ann, Catherine, Dan, Doug came to the WOTM Laboratory to get more training on how to use the words from the "What Did Jesus Do" script that helps everyone engage with anyone, simply, effectively and Biblically.
Later on Dale, Phil & Sean showed up as well. With so many laborers for the Lord He was well pleased as those whom He has called were being obedient servants! (Luke 5:32, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8)
Watch as this video shows those who showed up.
Watch Alan speaks the Law with those who pass by.
Watch as Ann gives her first Open Air
Watch as this man John, learns the real meaning of truly being Born Again.
Then watch as another young man, James, has a desire to share his life with me.
Later on Dale, Phil & Sean showed up as well. With so many laborers for the Lord He was well pleased as those whom He has called were being obedient servants! (Luke 5:32, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8)
Watch as this video shows those who showed up.
Watch Alan speaks the Law with those who pass by.
Watch as Ann gives her first Open Air
Watch as this man John, learns the real meaning of truly being Born Again.
Then watch as another young man, James, has a desire to share his life with me.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Nicky Taking the Good Person Test
Watch how when confronted with her guilt she decides to run from the truth to continue in the life she is comfortable with. We need to pray that as she goes on her why the Holy Spirit will continue to work on her so that she Repents and turns to the Savior.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Honoring the Lord Today
I just had to post this today, as it truly was for the Glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I was able to give out twenty Gospel tracts and had one “One 2 One Encounter”.
It started out at McDonald's around 7am where I meet with two men to study God's Word and hold each other accountable for our actions.
A little girl came walking by our table with a very pretty doll with thick blond hair. I commented on the doll's hair and saw a big smile on the girl’s face. I asked how old she was and she said nine yrs old. She turned to sit with what looked like her grandfather and I asked him if I could show his granddaughter a trick. He nodded and I made the Ten Commandment coin appear out of thin air. Her eyes got really big and she asked how I did that.
Now what happens next is not unusual as this is the reaction I usually get. Her hand reached out for it as if it belonged to her. I then asked if she would like to have it, she said yes. I then told her that it was a commemorative coin and that it had the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other and to have her grandfather read it to her. (If any of you know me, you know that I have a hearing problem and I’m sure that others heard me)
The next part is also typical because she had 2 sisters who saw her get something and they then had their hands out as well. I gave them each a coin and then gave the first one (3) of the million dollar Gospel tracts and asked if she would give them to her grandfather and her parents who were sitting at the next table. The grandfather read the back and thanked us for sharing!
From there Alan and I went to a meeting in Chandler to investigate a business opportunity. We were taken to this beautiful office building and had to wait for another person to show up before the tour began. While waiting I noticed that the reception desk was adorned with stainless steel covering. I asked the receptionist did she know how amazing this metal is, if you just know how to tap it, things can happen. I showed her my hands and asked if she could see anything in them and when she said no, I snapped my finger twice and produced the Ten Commandment coin. She said WOW! I like magic! I told her it was a commemorative coin with the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other. I mentioned that most people I meet do not know the Commandments but that it would be a good idea if she knew them as one day she could be judged by them.
Being she mentioned she liked magic, and the person we were waiting for hadn't shown up yet, I stated that if she liked that one then she would love this one.
I took out the Pink & Blue illusion and she was amazed! I told her that her eyes could fool her couldn't they, she said,“ Yes”.
I then asked if she would sell one of her eyes for a million dollars, she said no! I asked how about both eyes for 10 million, still no.
I then stated that her eyes were precious to her weren't they. She said yes!
I then said maybe we should look at what Jesus said about our eyes, that if your eye causes you to sin then it would be better if you plucked it out because it would be better to enter Heaven with one eye then to be cast into Hell with both.
If that were true then maybe we should look at the other Commandments He gave us.
The 9th, had she ever lied? She said, “ Yes”, What would you be called? She said, “Liar”.
The 8th, not to steal, she said, “Yes,” I then asked what do you call someone who does that, she said, “Thief”.
The 3rd, was not to use God's name as a curse word, again, yes.
I told her God was very serious about that one as He stated that He would not hold anyone guiltless who did that...He takes it seriously and yet most of us think nothing about doing it and she agreed.
I asked her if God were to judge her based on those commandments and we only did (3), would she be innocent or guilty? She said she would be guilty.
I then asked where would God have to send you, Heaven or Hell, she stated, as most of us who have the wrong concept of who God really is, ...Heaven.
I asked how could that be as she just admitted to breaking (3) of God's Laws and there were (7) more to go.
She stated that the Commandments were probably not what God would judge her by, because if He did, then everyone would be in Hell.
She then stated how she had been a good person and tries to live a good life by thinking of others.
I then explained that God has given us His Law and He stated that they are written on our hearts.
She knew it was wrong to lie, steal and swear, so if He is a just God He would have to punish those who do it.
I mentioned that time doesn't forgive sin and that one day we are all going to face Him and we will get what we deserve!
She then changed her demeanor and with her head down stated that she would go to Hell.
I asked if that concerned her and she said, “Yes!”
I asked again and then she said, “He died on the Cross?”
I then said that's not it, yet many people wrongly believe that. That would mean everyone would be going to Heaven.
I gave her an example that if I had broken man's law and the judge was going to sentence me to jail or pay a fine of $100K, which I didn't have, and suddenly someone came into the courtroom and gave the judge a certified check for it, the judge could let me go, right?
She agreed. I then said that's what Jesus did for sinners like me and you. He paid the fine for the crimes we committed against a Holy God and because of His shed blood, death and resurrection He saved us from that punishment. What we need to do is repent, turn from our sinful life and place our trust in Him alone!
I asked her that when she was at home tonight to seriously consider what she just heard and ask God to reveal the truth about her eternal life, as I didn't have the power to change her heart, only the Holy Spirit can do that.
I left her with a few more tracts and she thanked me for sharing with her.
I then explained to her that those of us who claim Christ as Lord are commanded to do. The Love He poured out for us even thought we don't deserve it, is to share with others that we encounter so that they too may have a chance for eternal life.
Her name is Mariah, so pray that the Lord can open her heart and the truth sets her free!
Just as we finished up with the tour another high level person greeted us and thanked us for going through it and stated that if we join them in this business would be millionaires! You guessed it! Everyone in the group as well as this executive and the guard got a million. Again you should have seen the excitement on their faces!
Thinking the day was done, Alan graciously asked if I would like to have lunch as he knew of a Chinese restaurant nearby. Inside was a little helper who was obliviously part of this Chinese family as she was helping clean up the tables as the customers left. I called her over and asked, “what was her name”, she said, Joyce, she was nine yrs old. I asked how would she like to see what magic this silver teapot had that was on our table. With two snaps of my finger a sliver coin appeared! You should have seen her face as she exclaimed WOW, how did you do that.
I told her it was a commemorative coin and that it had the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other and to have her parents read them to her.
This place was small and her excitement caught the attention of the others who were eating, as well as her mom and aunt who worked there. Joyce asked if I knew of any other magic as she liked magic. I then showed her the Pink & Blue illusion card and she was amazed at that as well. Her mom was now really watching me with her daughter and I had them participate as well.
They were enamored with the illusion and I told them to read the back as it had an important message on it.
Yep all those who were working in the restaurant got a million as well as the customers who were eagerly watching what was going on. As we left we were thankful that the seeds of His Word were placed in the hands of those who may never have had the chance to have them.
What came to me at the end of this day was that I would be sending this out to over 200 of you who could also be able to share using this Biblical principle that is taught by The Way of the Master.
So do the math! 20 tracts times 200 laborers for Christ is 4000 people who in one day would have received the Word of God. I’m sure our Heavenly Father would be well pleased that each of us got out of our comfort zone to do that. Remember what Jesus went through for us at the Garden of Gethsemane? , Not my will but Your will be done!
It started out at McDonald's around 7am where I meet with two men to study God's Word and hold each other accountable for our actions.
A little girl came walking by our table with a very pretty doll with thick blond hair. I commented on the doll's hair and saw a big smile on the girl’s face. I asked how old she was and she said nine yrs old. She turned to sit with what looked like her grandfather and I asked him if I could show his granddaughter a trick. He nodded and I made the Ten Commandment coin appear out of thin air. Her eyes got really big and she asked how I did that.
Now what happens next is not unusual as this is the reaction I usually get. Her hand reached out for it as if it belonged to her. I then asked if she would like to have it, she said yes. I then told her that it was a commemorative coin and that it had the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other and to have her grandfather read it to her. (If any of you know me, you know that I have a hearing problem and I’m sure that others heard me)
The next part is also typical because she had 2 sisters who saw her get something and they then had their hands out as well. I gave them each a coin and then gave the first one (3) of the million dollar Gospel tracts and asked if she would give them to her grandfather and her parents who were sitting at the next table. The grandfather read the back and thanked us for sharing!
From there Alan and I went to a meeting in Chandler to investigate a business opportunity. We were taken to this beautiful office building and had to wait for another person to show up before the tour began. While waiting I noticed that the reception desk was adorned with stainless steel covering. I asked the receptionist did she know how amazing this metal is, if you just know how to tap it, things can happen. I showed her my hands and asked if she could see anything in them and when she said no, I snapped my finger twice and produced the Ten Commandment coin. She said WOW! I like magic! I told her it was a commemorative coin with the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other. I mentioned that most people I meet do not know the Commandments but that it would be a good idea if she knew them as one day she could be judged by them.
Being she mentioned she liked magic, and the person we were waiting for hadn't shown up yet, I stated that if she liked that one then she would love this one.
I took out the Pink & Blue illusion and she was amazed! I told her that her eyes could fool her couldn't they, she said,“ Yes”.
I then asked if she would sell one of her eyes for a million dollars, she said no! I asked how about both eyes for 10 million, still no.
I then stated that her eyes were precious to her weren't they. She said yes!
I then said maybe we should look at what Jesus said about our eyes, that if your eye causes you to sin then it would be better if you plucked it out because it would be better to enter Heaven with one eye then to be cast into Hell with both.
If that were true then maybe we should look at the other Commandments He gave us.
The 9th, had she ever lied? She said, “ Yes”, What would you be called? She said, “Liar”.
The 8th, not to steal, she said, “Yes,” I then asked what do you call someone who does that, she said, “Thief”.
The 3rd, was not to use God's name as a curse word, again, yes.
I told her God was very serious about that one as He stated that He would not hold anyone guiltless who did that...He takes it seriously and yet most of us think nothing about doing it and she agreed.
I asked her if God were to judge her based on those commandments and we only did (3), would she be innocent or guilty? She said she would be guilty.
I then asked where would God have to send you, Heaven or Hell, she stated, as most of us who have the wrong concept of who God really is, ...Heaven.
I asked how could that be as she just admitted to breaking (3) of God's Laws and there were (7) more to go.
She stated that the Commandments were probably not what God would judge her by, because if He did, then everyone would be in Hell.
She then stated how she had been a good person and tries to live a good life by thinking of others.
I then explained that God has given us His Law and He stated that they are written on our hearts.
She knew it was wrong to lie, steal and swear, so if He is a just God He would have to punish those who do it.
I mentioned that time doesn't forgive sin and that one day we are all going to face Him and we will get what we deserve!
She then changed her demeanor and with her head down stated that she would go to Hell.
I asked if that concerned her and she said, “Yes!”
I asked again and then she said, “He died on the Cross?”
I then said that's not it, yet many people wrongly believe that. That would mean everyone would be going to Heaven.
I gave her an example that if I had broken man's law and the judge was going to sentence me to jail or pay a fine of $100K, which I didn't have, and suddenly someone came into the courtroom and gave the judge a certified check for it, the judge could let me go, right?
She agreed. I then said that's what Jesus did for sinners like me and you. He paid the fine for the crimes we committed against a Holy God and because of His shed blood, death and resurrection He saved us from that punishment. What we need to do is repent, turn from our sinful life and place our trust in Him alone!
I asked her that when she was at home tonight to seriously consider what she just heard and ask God to reveal the truth about her eternal life, as I didn't have the power to change her heart, only the Holy Spirit can do that.
I left her with a few more tracts and she thanked me for sharing with her.
I then explained to her that those of us who claim Christ as Lord are commanded to do. The Love He poured out for us even thought we don't deserve it, is to share with others that we encounter so that they too may have a chance for eternal life.
Her name is Mariah, so pray that the Lord can open her heart and the truth sets her free!
Just as we finished up with the tour another high level person greeted us and thanked us for going through it and stated that if we join them in this business would be millionaires! You guessed it! Everyone in the group as well as this executive and the guard got a million. Again you should have seen the excitement on their faces!
Thinking the day was done, Alan graciously asked if I would like to have lunch as he knew of a Chinese restaurant nearby. Inside was a little helper who was obliviously part of this Chinese family as she was helping clean up the tables as the customers left. I called her over and asked, “what was her name”, she said, Joyce, she was nine yrs old. I asked how would she like to see what magic this silver teapot had that was on our table. With two snaps of my finger a sliver coin appeared! You should have seen her face as she exclaimed WOW, how did you do that.
I told her it was a commemorative coin and that it had the Ten Commandments on one side and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the other and to have her parents read them to her.
This place was small and her excitement caught the attention of the others who were eating, as well as her mom and aunt who worked there. Joyce asked if I knew of any other magic as she liked magic. I then showed her the Pink & Blue illusion card and she was amazed at that as well. Her mom was now really watching me with her daughter and I had them participate as well.
They were enamored with the illusion and I told them to read the back as it had an important message on it.
Yep all those who were working in the restaurant got a million as well as the customers who were eagerly watching what was going on. As we left we were thankful that the seeds of His Word were placed in the hands of those who may never have had the chance to have them.
What came to me at the end of this day was that I would be sending this out to over 200 of you who could also be able to share using this Biblical principle that is taught by The Way of the Master.
So do the math! 20 tracts times 200 laborers for Christ is 4000 people who in one day would have received the Word of God. I’m sure our Heavenly Father would be well pleased that each of us got out of our comfort zone to do that. Remember what Jesus went through for us at the Garden of Gethsemane? , Not my will but Your will be done!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday Night at the Phoenix Art Fair
It almost felt like the people on the street were like salmon swimming up stream! I hope by watching this video you get an idea of how many people were there. Handing out the Million Dollar Gospel Tracts was easy.
I was also able to do an "Open Air" to draw a crowd so that I could have someone take the Good Person Test. After drawing a crowd with trivia questions this young lady, Erica , raised her hand when I offer a five dollar bill to prove she was a good person. After she answered the questions about violating some of God 's Law's her demeanor turned to despair. I wish you could have been seen the look on her face and to watch as her whole body reflected the guilt she was facing.
I was also able to do an "Open Air" to draw a crowd so that I could have someone take the Good Person Test. After drawing a crowd with trivia questions this young lady, Erica , raised her hand when I offer a five dollar bill to prove she was a good person. After she answered the questions about violating some of God 's Law's her demeanor turned to despair. I wish you could have been seen the look on her face and to watch as her whole body reflected the guilt she was facing.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A Suggestion on how NOT to be OFFENDED
During my worldly years before becoming adopted in the the Kingdom of God, this phase was foremost in my mind.
Several years ago I was blessed to be able to speak with a Dallas Demmitt, PH.D. He wrote a book called ,"Can you hear me know?" written with his wife Nancy. Web Site http://canyouhearmenow.org
The concept was to help all of us learn how to "experience the power of listening", a quote from the forward by Gary Smalley.
"Advise not asked for is advise not worth giving"
But in 1994 that all changed. The scripture is clear, that we are to be one with one another and to share with others. So I have decided to share with you what the Lord has given me to help with my relationship with others.
This is not my brainstorm as I'm not that smart I got it from a reliable source a wise man who also is a Brother in Christ.
Several years ago I was blessed to be able to speak with a Dallas Demmitt, PH.D. He wrote a book called ,"Can you hear me know?" written with his wife Nancy. Web Site http://canyouhearmenow.org
The concept was to help all of us learn how to "experience the power of listening", a quote from the forward by Gary Smalley.
If you just internal these (7) words, then (4) then (3), which you will get soon, it could change your relationships with everyone you know.
For those of us who believe God's Word, Proverbs 12:1 states,
Now please remember, I'm not calling anyone stupid, so let's not get OFFENDED!
Paul states, " Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:3-8)
For those of us who believe God's Word, Proverbs 12:1 states,
"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, But he who hates reproof is stupid."
Now please remember, I'm not calling anyone stupid, so let's not get OFFENDED!
Paul states, " Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:3-8)
So here's the scenario:
Lets say that someone states that your are, " you fill in the blanks", as an observation or of something that pertains to you. Again I need your help on this. Is it not true that the typical response from anyone who makes a statement about you would be to defend yourself?
When someone says something about you, whether a praise or a criticism, your response should be these 7 words. By repeating these 7 words you are validating and clarifying what that person said about you instead of what typically happens is you defend yourself.
When someone says something about you, whether a praise or a criticism, your response should be these 7 words. By repeating these 7 words you are validating and clarifying what that person said about you instead of what typically happens is you defend yourself.
""Is that what you see in me?"
But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, "GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE." (James 4:6)
So how could we do what James says in 5:19-20 if were are concerned about offending someone or being offended, that we would not tell them the truth, which to some could be offensive, or as as I've heard, judgmental!
So how could we do what James says in 5:19-20 if were are concerned about offending someone or being offended, that we would not tell them the truth, which to some could be offensive, or as as I've heard, judgmental!
(James 5: 19-20) My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
So back to those 7 words again. If we respond with them can't you see the freedom you allow your loved ones and friends to have when they need to express what they have in their heart about you?
Once you get those 7 words internalized then your ready for the next 4 words,
Now that's really brave, but I hope you can see the humility that comes from such a response. You are allowing another person to tell you what they observe in your behavior, attitude or demeanor. Wouldn't that be helpful to see ourselves as others see us?
Now your ready to graduate for it's now time for the 3 words, that really place you in a humble place.
Once you have reached this plateau then you can humbly ask that person to pray for you because you shouldn't want to be like that.
Again I can only pray that you would a least get the book and try to apply his concept on how to improve your listen skills and possible you may never be OFFENDED again.
So back to those 7 words again. If we respond with them can't you see the freedom you allow your loved ones and friends to have when they need to express what they have in their heart about you?
Once you get those 7 words internalized then your ready for the next 4 words,
"Is there anything else?"
Now that's really brave, but I hope you can see the humility that comes from such a response. You are allowing another person to tell you what they observe in your behavior, attitude or demeanor. Wouldn't that be helpful to see ourselves as others see us?
Now your ready to graduate for it's now time for the 3 words, that really place you in a humble place.
" Is there more?"
Once you have reached this plateau then you can humbly ask that person to pray for you because you shouldn't want to be like that.
Again I can only pray that you would a least get the book and try to apply his concept on how to improve your listen skills and possible you may never be OFFENDED again.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Woulkd really appreciate your comments on this. Go to the bottom of the post Click on Comments.
How about we remove the word "OFFENDED" from our Christian vocabulary. That way, we who are brothers in Christ can say what's on our hearts. Those who hear it would know that we are loved and what is being said is just their observation or opinion and we should examine it from their point of view.
If we are to be Christ like then we need to love our enemy...pray for them, maybe even listen to what's being said, as it may be something the Lord wants you to hear. So let’s not get offended when we hear something we don’t like! Check out 2nd Cor. 13:5. Christ wasn't offended when His own disciples denied Him, abandoned Him, and didn’t trust in Him, did He get offended…NO! And when at His trial He was falsely accused, stripped naked, brutally beaten, and then nailed to the cross, was He offended… NO, he stated, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!”
Jesus was teaching us that some of us are blind, which means they can’t see. Some of us have a deficiency in our hearing. So I ask you, would you get mad a blind man who bumps into you? If someone were deaf would you get offended because you had to repeat yourself several times to be understood? I hope not, I hope you would have compassion for them.
Here’s one example where one might get offended. I got a forwarded email from a good friend who attends worship, Bible studies and is very involved with going on retreats with other Christians. The email contained a video.
In this video a man throws a glass bottle out his front door and it hits a skateboarder, knocking him off his board. The skate board hits another teen, who had a basketball and it knocks him out. You then see a woman being dragged through the streets by her dog, who is chasing the basketball. An old man with a hearing problem continues to ring a house bell because he couldn’t hear it, which distracts another person who is about to shoot a bow and arrow. The archer completely misses his target and hits the first man (who threw the bottle) in the arm. The man staggers into the street in pain from the arrow, where in a nano-second you see him smashed by a passing semi. Caption at the end,
So I ask you, if you have any Christian friends who will admit that they voted for Obama, or claim to be a Democrat, do you think that this video would offend them?
Here’s another example.
I went to help a friend and his family move his household goods that were in storage in to his rental truck.. After a few times of him speaking to me he asked me if I had my hearing aids on and I said no. He stated that I should have because he was finding difficult getting across what he wanted to say.
I agreed that I should have, but explained that because he was moving all his stuff I didn’t want to take the chance of getting them dirty. I then mentioned that this would be a good time for him to learn how to communicate with someone who has a hearing problem. From my experience many people who need them are not wearing them. Maybe we should get out of our comfort zone and adjust our volume and make sure we face them when we speak.
Paul states in Philippians 2:3, "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;"
So I hope you can see from this example we each could have been offended…Am I right? He could have gotten frustrated and asked me to leave or I could have been hurt by his comment and left..
But as this man and I claim Christ as Lord of our lives, we know that speaking what we believe to one another should not be offensive. Being able to say what we think gives us the freedom to be honest.
Prov. 24: 26, "Honesty is like a kiss on the Lips" (NIV)
So would you agree that those of us who claim Christ as Lord, and truly understand what He went through to save a wretched soul like you and I, that we cannot and will not be offended by another brother or sister who has been genuinely adopted into His Glorious Kingdom for eternity! What we should do is as Paul reminded us in 2Cor. 13:5, "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?"
In other words if there is something that the Lord wants me to hear from a fellow believer, I should humble myself and listen. I heard this years ago from my Pastor, Darryl DelHousaye, “Remember don’t shoot the messenger, listen to the message.”
Now for those we encounter who are, lost, who think they are righteous... you meet some of them in church. Remember we are either lost or saved, there is no in between! We need to treat them as if they are blind, which they are. I don’t think you would get offended if a blind man bumped into you, would you? So the same should apply to them as well. We would need to ask for forgiveness if they were offended, oh and by the way, that group (the lost) will be offended, that’s all they know.
But we, having the Grace of God bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit should recognize that and pray for them. But please, never, never minimize the whole truth of the Gospel. They need to hear how they have violated a Holy God by breaking His Commandments; you only need to go through 4 to get the point across. Once they realize that they can’t save themselves by doing good works, or by saying the so -called sinners prayer, then they should be ready to repent. They would turn away from that life style, be “Born Again “, and then place their trust in Jesus Christ alone.
So now that I've said it... isn't it great that I don't have to state,
This next part is amazing! Chuck Johnson, a good freind of mine, wrote the following poem after he read the above. I hope you read it, and comment about it.
How about we remove the word "OFFENDED" from our Christian vocabulary. That way, we who are brothers in Christ can say what's on our hearts. Those who hear it would know that we are loved and what is being said is just their observation or opinion and we should examine it from their point of view.
If we are to be Christ like then we need to love our enemy...pray for them, maybe even listen to what's being said, as it may be something the Lord wants you to hear. So let’s not get offended when we hear something we don’t like! Check out 2nd Cor. 13:5. Christ wasn't offended when His own disciples denied Him, abandoned Him, and didn’t trust in Him, did He get offended…NO! And when at His trial He was falsely accused, stripped naked, brutally beaten, and then nailed to the cross, was He offended… NO, he stated, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!”
Jesus was teaching us that some of us are blind, which means they can’t see. Some of us have a deficiency in our hearing. So I ask you, would you get mad a blind man who bumps into you? If someone were deaf would you get offended because you had to repeat yourself several times to be understood? I hope not, I hope you would have compassion for them.
Here’s one example where one might get offended. I got a forwarded email from a good friend who attends worship, Bible studies and is very involved with going on retreats with other Christians. The email contained a video.
In this video a man throws a glass bottle out his front door and it hits a skateboarder, knocking him off his board. The skate board hits another teen, who had a basketball and it knocks him out. You then see a woman being dragged through the streets by her dog, who is chasing the basketball. An old man with a hearing problem continues to ring a house bell because he couldn’t hear it, which distracts another person who is about to shoot a bow and arrow. The archer completely misses his target and hits the first man (who threw the bottle) in the arm. The man staggers into the street in pain from the arrow, where in a nano-second you see him smashed by a passing semi. Caption at the end,
“There will be consequences if you voted Democrat!”
So I ask you, if you have any Christian friends who will admit that they voted for Obama, or claim to be a Democrat, do you think that this video would offend them?
Here’s another example.
I went to help a friend and his family move his household goods that were in storage in to his rental truck.. After a few times of him speaking to me he asked me if I had my hearing aids on and I said no. He stated that I should have because he was finding difficult getting across what he wanted to say.
I agreed that I should have, but explained that because he was moving all his stuff I didn’t want to take the chance of getting them dirty. I then mentioned that this would be a good time for him to learn how to communicate with someone who has a hearing problem. From my experience many people who need them are not wearing them. Maybe we should get out of our comfort zone and adjust our volume and make sure we face them when we speak.
Paul states in Philippians 2:3, "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;"
So I hope you can see from this example we each could have been offended…Am I right? He could have gotten frustrated and asked me to leave or I could have been hurt by his comment and left..
But as this man and I claim Christ as Lord of our lives, we know that speaking what we believe to one another should not be offensive. Being able to say what we think gives us the freedom to be honest.
Prov. 24: 26, "Honesty is like a kiss on the Lips" (NIV)
So would you agree that those of us who claim Christ as Lord, and truly understand what He went through to save a wretched soul like you and I, that we cannot and will not be offended by another brother or sister who has been genuinely adopted into His Glorious Kingdom for eternity! What we should do is as Paul reminded us in 2Cor. 13:5, "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?"
In other words if there is something that the Lord wants me to hear from a fellow believer, I should humble myself and listen. I heard this years ago from my Pastor, Darryl DelHousaye, “Remember don’t shoot the messenger, listen to the message.”
Now for those we encounter who are, lost, who think they are righteous... you meet some of them in church. Remember we are either lost or saved, there is no in between! We need to treat them as if they are blind, which they are. I don’t think you would get offended if a blind man bumped into you, would you? So the same should apply to them as well. We would need to ask for forgiveness if they were offended, oh and by the way, that group (the lost) will be offended, that’s all they know.
But we, having the Grace of God bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit should recognize that and pray for them. But please, never, never minimize the whole truth of the Gospel. They need to hear how they have violated a Holy God by breaking His Commandments; you only need to go through 4 to get the point across. Once they realize that they can’t save themselves by doing good works, or by saying the so -called sinners prayer, then they should be ready to repent. They would turn away from that life style, be “Born Again “, and then place their trust in Jesus Christ alone.
So now that I've said it... isn't it great that I don't have to state,
“Please forgive me if I offended anyone. “
This next part is amazing! Chuck Johnson, a good freind of mine, wrote the following poem after he read the above. I hope you read it, and comment about it.
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