Saturday night was another glorious night for the Lord! Pastor B. J. and his people from Tree of Life Community Church in Tempe just finished their training from the Way of the Master on Thursday night and were now out on the streets of Tempe to put into practice what they had learned form the three previous classes.
It’s truly amazing to watch those who come out as they are at first hesitant to speak with the strangers who pass by. But I reminded them that I was the same way in the beginning when I first attended a Boot Camp in Seattle WA .
When I was there, it took a couple of hours for me to rely on the Holy Spirit, to energize me, and to not think of what they may think of me when I approach them, but to think of their faith, as this might be the only time anyone confronts them about where God might have to send them on Judgment Day. A fiery existence for eternity!
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another more important than yourselves; (Php 2:3)
And so it began, as they teamed up with the rest of the seed sowers they watched and prayed as we encountered the crowd by first offering Million Dollar bills to those who where passing by.
Later AL and I did some Open Air, where we offered money for trivia questions to try to draw a crowd, so that more could hear what God has in store for those who deny Jesus as Lord and Savior. (John 3:18)

Later on I asked if they would like to try to hand some out? Some said they would try, others sheepishly said yes. It was exciting to watch these new sowers reach out to the lost with their new weapon, Million Dollar bills with a few of God's Ten Commandments on them.
Now they would experience for themselves as to how easy it was to say to a passing stranger, “Did you get one of these?”
You should have seen how excited they were when the first person who walked by took one…the Joy it brought to them was exciting to watch to say the least, as now they were answering Jesus’ prayer in Luke 10:2.
Later that evening I asked Pastor B J what he thought, now that he had seen how we use these Gospel Tracts with the some of the Ten Commandments, and Open Air to draw a crowd, so we can ask those who stop by if they would like to take "The Good Person Test".
He responded with an excited response, he would like to have his people get more training so that more of his people would learn how simple it is to reach out to the lost. And also that his prayer that he has been praying since January would be answered,
“ That the Church walls would come down!”
1 comment:
Thank you for your e-mails and constant attention to our work of sowing the seed. I love you two and appreciate you. Keep up the good work.
Elaine, H
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