WOW! Talk about reaching out to save the lost!
Just curious is there anyone out there who finds asking that question offensive?
I would really like to know your thoughts and why. Please click on comments at the end.
Some think this is important because almost everyone thinks they are. Proverbs. 20:6 Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? So by helping them understand how God sees them, as in Isaiaha 64:6, we are filthy rags, then can then understand why they need a Savoir. You may also check on Luke 18:19 to read what Jesus said about how is good.
The one thing that amazed me was there were several people passing out flyers about the war in Afganistan, would you belive it ...to perfect strangers. I guess they have the gift of Afganistanism. I wondered if they were getting paid to hand them out? Maybe for money people would do something they wouldn't normally do...what do you think, let me know, please.
This principle of using God's Law to show the world how they would appear to a Holy God on Judgement day is a clear and concise message about where they are walking to. They need to be warned that Hell is real and most of them will enter through that gate. Don't take my word, read what Jesus said in Mat.7:13-14, and Luke 13:24. We have to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ and do as he commands us to Go out into ALL the World and share the Gospel.(Mark 16:15)
So how do you reach the lost? Please let me know what you would say to a perfect stranger who may be lost. You only have a few minutes because you know every one is sooo busy!
Please let me know as I would like to expand on my ability to reach those who like me didn't think it was so bad going to Hell.
I found one way, you do what Jesus did you go out to the streets where the lost are. Going to worship is what we are commanded to do, that being the forth one, but to only go to worship, or home fellowships for the rest of your born again life is not being a follower of Christ, that is only part of what Christ told us to do. Wouldn't you want to be a volunteer for the Lord as was quoted in Isa. 6:8, "Send me!" Remember Paul stated: that Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Sharing with everyone, which means speaking to them is what the Joy of being in the Lord is all about, come try it.
I met Pastor John there last night. I had given a seminar at his Church last year and he came by to see if I was still out sharing. He didn't have any tracts on him so my good friend Alan gave him about 200 of the million dollar gospel tracts, and he went out into the crowd to give them away.
Just a thought could you send me the names of your Pastor who goes out from the church walls to share with the lost. Would love to meet with him and learn how he does it.
Well about an hour later as I stepped down from doing another Open Air, I noticed the Pastor behind me. He had been watching me speak to several teens about being a,” Good Person”. He watched as I was able to share the truth about God's Wrath and Judgment, as well as His Grace to several Satan worshipers, as that's what they called themselves.
They challenged me with a question referencing Muslims who believe in God, God won't send them to Hell. I then reminded them about God's Law the Ten Commandments, and that they had admitted breaking several of them and it didn't matter what religion someone claimed unless they REPENT, turn away from sin and place their trust in what Jesus Christ did, alone, they would be eternally in Hell. He paid the fine for the crimes of us 2000 years ago. He took the punishment that I deserved, that they deserved, and if they continue to placed their faith in any man made religion, then, they would wind up in Hell for eternity.
The one young man I think his name was Danny, reached out to shake my hand to thank me as he had never heard it presented that way before. I asked if they would take some information I had, they all said yes, so I gave them the Gospel Tract, "Save Yourself Some Pain"
When I was finished with Danny the Pastor shook my hand. He had a big smile on his face and told me he was thrilled as he couldn't believe how many people he was able to share the Gospel with using the million dollar tract to get them talking about there salvation. He then asked when was I having another seminar? Praise be to the Lord for him wanting to learn more on how to share with the lost.
1 comment:
Awesome, keep it up, brother!
Many people think it is the job of the pastor to go and talk to everyone about the Gospel, yet that rarely happens. Every Christian is COMMANDED to go out and witness to the lost. And no one will be released from this responsibility by claiming they didn't have this "gift" (Ezekiel 33:8-9 ).
Get equipped and get out there.
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