This site is primarily to help others learn how easy it is to share the Gospel. Jesus used the Ten Commandments in Luke 18:18 when the rich ruler asked what he must do to get into Heaven.
Also by using these innovative and acceptable tracts from "The Way of The Master", by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, you get the opportunity to get the Word of God into the hands of the lost.

Watch Our Journey Sharing Jesus Christ on the Streets in many parts of the World

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How would you like to be able to do this?

This video is truly a blessing from our Lord. I pray that when you watch it you can say to yourself, I would love to be an obedient servant for You Lord! Acts 10:42.

Tonight was an exciting night! Al, Alan and I went to Mill Ave because that's were those who are lost hang out. Does it make sense to just be with other church goers? Jesus went out and preached to those who didn't get a good seat in the Temple, He went to them. So when he states come follow me, if I'm a good servant that's what I should do, right? Mark 1:17,

So by using a way that encourages a crowd to form, asking trivia questions and giving away money for the correct answer, you can gather a crowd so they can hear what the Holy Spirit wants them to hear. Did you notice in the video how excited those who gather got when they were right, even for only a dollar.

Then comes the easy part asking them about God's Ten Cmmandments. In the five years I havve been sharing I have yet to meet anyone, even those who claim Christ, who can name them and of couse who has kept them.
One of my favorite qutes is from Charles Spurgeon:"I do not believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach Law. The Law is the needle, and you cannot draw the silken tread of the gospel through a man's heart until you first send the Law to make way for it.

Again Jesus tells His disciples in Mark 8:34, if they wish to follow Him that must deny himself and take up his cross. Tell me if I got this wrong, wouldn't denying oneself mean to give up my own comfortable ways and trust in Christ and do as He did, and not be concerned what others think of me? You know I make look foolish, or they may not like me, or they may think I'm a fanatic!

In Acts 1:8, it's very clear that when Christ was ascending to Heaven He told them again, that whoever claimed Him as Lord would receive the Holy Spirit to be His witness, to ALL people, not just friends and family members, those we feel comfortable with. One of the first verses I learned was Mat. 10:28, that it was God to fear, which we know means respect, not to even fear Satan, and especially not those we don't know because only the Lord is my judge. We receive our value from God not from others!

If you would like to read more details you can go to to AL's Blog

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