Since this is to be the season for giving I thought I would share what happened to me Sunday at a funeral for the Episcopalian priest that Catherine's family associated with him & his family for generations. Last year at this time we went to his wife's funeral. I always carry Million Dollar Gospel tracts just in case I encounter someone who could use one. I don't really remember how many I passed out but I know I passed out several. I tell you this first so that you might be able to experience how I felt when I was confronted by a women who is a long time friend of Catherine's brother. I was listening to her brother speak when this woman came up to me & said, "I know you , you were the one who was handing out those Million Dollar bills, why didn't you give me one?" Needless to say I was in shock to have someone confront me about what I had done a year ago, and the fact that she remembered me was mind boggling! I then asked her to forgive me for not giving her one and then handed her one. I then told her to read the back as this is a Gospel Tract & she might want to answer the Million Dollar question, "Are you good enough to get into Heaven. She thanked me for giving it to her and then said that she was good enough. To my amazement she then asked me if I had given one to her good friend Nancy, I stated that I didn't know who Nancy was and she then said well she’s right over there, I then said well if she is your good friend then maybe you should give her one yourself, here is an extra one to do that. I instructed her that you would also have to tell that is was a Gospel tract and to read the back an answer the good person question. She again said thanks and immediately walked over to her friend and gave it to her.
Later as Catherine & I were in line to give our condolences to the daughter of the deceased priest, another woman came up to me and stated the same thing the other lady said. After I gave her the Million Dollar tract her husband took it from her. I then gave his wife another. He was about my age, & because of waiting in line, I was able to ask the questions about being a good person using the Ten Commandments, (you know we only use 3-4 of them). He admitted to breaking God's Law but he was saved because many years ago he walked forward at a Billy Graham event.
Afterwards Catherine told me that his wife who was standing there told her that she was so thankful that I had shared this message with him because it gave him a clear picture of how God has to punish those who have violated God's law and only by the repenting from those sins and placing our trust in the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ can we have eternally life, and not just because someone says a prayer or walks forward. She told Catherine that she has never seen any change in him.
So back to my original statement about the season for giving. What a wonderful gift to be able to share with ALL those we come in contact with, not just family & friends. Even Catherine who was reluctant in the beginning has now become more faithful and excited about the responses she gets from those she gives them to. Just last night she gave out three. She is amazed when she tells them what it is, "a Gospel tract and you need to answer the Million Dollar question, are you good enough to get into Heaven". One lady after she was asked the question stated, “That question is more important than making a Million Dollars, I’ll definitely read this when I get home!”
I am so thankful that I have learned how to share the Glorious Gospel of my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ with those who are in the world, strangers, people you met every day. When Christ told Peter, "come follow me & I will make you fishers of men", (Mark 1:17) I'm sure He wasn't telling Peter that it would only be to his family & friends that he was to share with & hopefully you understand that this command was not just for Peter. So now I can give a gift, a Million Dollar bill, & become like fishers of men, which has the true message of what being born again is all about. So my friends I pray that you see this as a most wonderful GIFT, one that is remembered and desired by others, just like this funeral. We who are born again have been commanded & encouraged by our Lord & Savior as He stated in Mark 16:15 & again in Acts 1:8, to share with the lost. So if you understand what our world is all about, "money", then why not give them what they want so they will have the opportunity to read the Word of God as well.
So if any of you would like to learn a way that Jesus Himself used, the Ten Commandments, (Luke 18:18) please let me know. Or if you have been but don't have any Million Dollar Tracts let me know & I will gladly send some to you.
So we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and pray that the gift of giving becomes more than just buying gifts for others and that you include gift giving every day as the gift that you have been given by the only One who has saved you, JESUS THE CHRIST!
Till The neTs R full
Catherine & Thomas Fusco
My tongue shall speak...0 Your Word, for all Your Commandments are righteousness. (Psalms 119:172)
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Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Nigara Falls June 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Niagara Falls Mission
Thought we'd let you know that we are leaving tomorrow the 11th for Niagara Falls and will be sharing the Gospel with those who are visiting both on our soil and the Canadian soil till the 15th. Speaking of soil, please pray for Catherine & I that we would be able to plant good seed in that soil and that the seeds we use, which are the Ten Commandments, breaks the heart of the harden hearts & is Grace to the humbled ones. Please pray for our stamina as the next four days and nights will be physically draining. We will be returning on the 23rd of June.
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